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First i wanna say thank you to all the new (and old of course) patrons and everyone that's playing the game. I've been working on this game for like 2 years and 4 months, and you people are making this possible. So, yea, thank you so much!

Now let's get to the game. I've been working on 3D modeling and posing. Made two new locations that I will show in near future (nightclub and nightclub toilet area), done a lot of progress on Goldy's new apartment (living room only for now) and a location for the bonus scene as well.

As for the posing, I posed and rendered tons of scenes and for now 18 animations. Something like 13 scenes are done for now. I need to pose another 4 scenes and the bonus scene. Three of them will need a environment first and two of them are with multiple animations. So that's gonna take a bit.

Next I'll be focusing on the same, posing and modeling. Need to do the coding as well so there is still a lot of work to be done on this episode, even though tons of things are already finished.


Bob Fink

Sounds like a lot of progress and some fun times ahead. Any guess as to when day 17 will release?


its hard to estimate. im hoping in next 30 days but dont hold me to this. a lot of stuff still has to render and i didnt even start coding yet. still working on posing and 3d modeling

Bob Fink

Sounds good, I've really enjoyed the game and look forward to seeing where it goes from day 16.