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Another super productive week!

Finished posing all the animations for ep14, and one for ep15 even. Also finished posing and rendering few more scenes. Besides those there is only two more scenes to pose for main game and one for bonus scene. 

I also coded most of stuff i have done for now. Have one more scene to code that i have finished rendering and the rest that are not posed yet.

I also have "only" three more animations to render. Even with 3 PC's rendering, rendering is still slow because now I'm doing more frames per single animations. They just look better to me if their not simple/shorter loops. It's more work and more time rendering, but I think it's worth it.

For bonus scene I still need to render all the animations. One is rendering now actually. And I need to model another location for bonus scene, but that one will go fast since it's a simple room.

Taking everything in consideration, the release is gonna be like last few, around a month and a week or so.

I'll leave you with the ep14 bonus intro!




Richard salas

Oh damn I was ready to pay for it on the first thank you so much for your help.

Ray Richards Thought Ray

That is quite the workflow. I could have sworn it was you who said they were going to take ita little easier.


i dont think so :D:D:D im a workaholic, it helps me stay away from my inner thoughts! but if i start to get burned out, ill deff still something else to do for the game in that time lol like making new menus or or whatever. but thankfully theres no sing of burning out yet. couse i do posing, coding, writting, 3d modeling etc etc and i swtich between those and it keeps it fresh