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Yesterday I finally finished posing a certain scene. It was almost 200 single renders. Such long process especially when you need to wait for scenes to save, load, import models, and doing spot renders same time. So, of course I had to order another 32GB RAM to speed up this process as well :D

Besides this I coded another full scene, one of the more lengthy, 1000+ lines of code.

Right now there is 315 renders done, 11 animations for main game and 6 animations for the bonus scene. So I would say much more then half of the work is done. But I do have few more animations to render, one of them is over 500 frames, and it's Tammy... Tammy is a render speed killer because of her hair. But the scene is outside so I'm not expecting it to render slow like Goldy in previous episode. Fingers crossed!

In the meantime I also "took a break" from posing single scenes, and I did a better/longer sex loop for 15+ tier. This will be out as soon as I get a chance to render it hehe

But ye, everything is going perfect for now and I'm really happy with the speed. A big factor was Goldy slow rendering in last episode, that helped me prepare many animations in advance.

Also, I hope you are enjoying more frequent random special renders I've been putting out. I like to do them, I enjoy the girls and it helps me experiment with lights and whatnot.

Till next time, stay safe out there!




More stockings, BRUH... : D