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Just this moment i finished coding the 4th scene. So, that's, well, 4 scenes coded for now :D:D:D

Posing is almost done, only need to finish posing one scene, more then half of it is done. Right now one of the animations is rendering for the 10th day. It's almost finished but it's taking so long. So currently I have like 4 animations done, and two animations for the bonus episode, but one of them was 360 frames which is the longest in the whole update. 

To sum it up, I have only 2 scenes left to fully render, and like 6 animations. Some of the animations are taking forever. And I'm still waiting for the store to replace my 2080ti to get the 3rd rig up and running.

In the meantime I also posed one animation for ep13 and working on another one. When i get the 3rd PC to start rendering, hopefully things will speed up. I'm kinda not happy with this speed. I have so many single scenes and animations done that are just waiting for their turn to render. You know? Everything is basically done, but i need to wait for all of it to render. But in this waiting period I already start working on ep13.



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