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Got another 2080ti few days ago! It's working like a beast. Not a single fail for now.

Why would it fail you may ask? In case you don't follow, you are new or you just don't care :D I had tons of problems with my first 2080ti. The GPU was constantly failing (falling back to CPU when rendering) This was super annoying and I tried everything to fix the issue. Everything but returning the GPU. Which I did yesterday. Since the new GPU doesn't do this, problem is not software related. I'll try to get another GPU, money back to get a new one, or something, anything. 

I'm i the process of building a 3rd rendering only rig. All the parts are ordered (2080ti already arrived as mentioned before), CPU arrived, and everything else should be here during this or next week. And then I need to wait for the store to test and decide what to do with the first 2080ti. Good times!

Now, about the game, let's see...

4th and 5th animations are in the process of rendering, one of them is almost done. Besides those i finally have two full scenes rendered as well. So I can start coding those soon.

Bonus scene has 3 animations done posing, and a lot of single scenes. 3D modeling for bonus scene is done (3 locations, but their more simple so didn't take too long)

For main game i still need to finish one 3D model. And pose like 4 more scenes.

So, all in all, the progress is amazing so far.



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