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What do u think?




Agreed with darlic, there is something really off about the face, but I can't place exactly what.


I create a lot of renders so I will give some ideas and suggestions. If this were my picture I would try the following changes. The right-left offset angles for her eyes are a bit too different from one another. Either reduce the offset in her left eye or add some offset in her right eye. People do not generally keep their lips pursed tightly and if they do then unless it is the prelude to a kiss then it is generally an indication of personal concern or worry and her eyes would squint and her eyebrows would lower and squeeze together slightly. Coming fresh from a shower she would most likely be natural face mode without a lot of makeup but she could have put makeup on before leaving the bathroom so that is totally story dependent. Finally the camera is positioned very close to her face and short focal lengths like that can create a distorted “fish eye” sort of perspective that distorts the image proportions. This could be avoided by moving the camera back and then cropping the image after the render. I must stress that I really like your story and work so please don’t take this anyway except suggestions to help. I often solicit suggestions from other artists on my own work to help me get new ideas and perspectives. Kind regards !


Thank you for the suggestions! I was asking more about the new eyebrows lol and no1 is commenting on that lol


I understand. I really do and I would not have left this comment if not for how the post seems to have spiralled off topic. I greatly enjoy your story and look forward to it’s future development. Take care 👍