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Hey guys,

Firstly, I'd like to welcome a surprise influx of new patrons this month thanks to a video posted on YouTube by MxR Plays, a YouTuber well known for his content on adult mods and games. A big thank you to Henry for introducing the game to his girlfriend in the video, as well as a large new audience. You can catch their video here.

Work is ticking along for version 0.12. I'm probably approaching the halfway stage of the development cycle, with most of the scenes written and I've made reasonable progress with all the renders and animations.

Last time I mentioned that I was hoping to include the red butt effect for all the animations in Priti's punishment system. At the time, I wasn't 100% sure it would be possible. However, I'm pleased to report that I've managed to solve the last few remaining technical issues I was having. I’ve also figured out a way to streamline the code, making it much quicker and easier for me to add the effect going forwards. Creating the effect does mean doubling the number of image and video files, which might cause me some file size issues down the line but I’ll worry about that later.

I also mentioned previously that Priti's storyline would intersect with Harriet's and that we would need to put a stop to Harriet's homework-for-chocolate scheme before making significant progress with Priti. So, I had to take some time away from Priti’s content this last couple of weeks to get those scenes made. I also had an important scene written for Charlotte that fitted into that storyline (pictured above). In fact, I've had this particular scene written for Charlotte since version 0.2, but time pressures and technical limitations with the software always prevented me from finishing it. I didn't want to skip over it so I had to spend some time on that as well. When I was first experimenting with the new video animation format, I made a practice video based on the scene which I posted in the Teacher’s Lounge (over on the Discord), so some people will already have an idea of what I'm talking about. I’ve managed to tie off that loose end now though, so it's back to work on Priti's storyline. I'll post some image previews of the Charlotte/Harriet story tangent next week.

The list of content for version 0.12 is, therefore, a little longer than it was previously but that also means the release date isn't quite as close. I'm still hoping to have the update ready by the end of the year. However, I'm still not confident enough to set a release date just yet. Since the next update is still some way off, I’m giving serious consideration to making a short but sweet Halloween special again this year to tide people over. I think everyone will really like the idea I’ve had for it, with Debbie starring as the player character. I’ll give some more details closer to the time.




I love how Jeannie was absolutely disgusted by this game... yet we perverts all love it hahaha!


'Everyone is an adult' 'Headmaster is 38, students are half his age' 38/2 = 19 Jeannie: "So are they adults or teenagers?" :D


Yeah, here thanks to MxR


Yeah, I think they had some confusion over that. An 18/19-year-old is both an adult and a teenager.


Yup, thanks to Henry and Jeannie for showing me this game :)


Shhhhhhh don't let Jeannie know we're here.


I like Charlotte 👍


You new people will love the game, just take ur time and take it easy! enjoy!


I'm new here but I found this game on a spanking forum hah, not youtube. I finished the game in less than two days. I love all the character design, the girls are so realistic, a couple of them strongly reminded me of some crazy people I know irl. Can't wait for new content!


Debbie starring as the player character? Yes!


Those who are writing this game stories, just f**g genius. Emily nudist story was hilarious


I came to this Game from MXR. Though it was a bit of a joke but gave it a try. I'm actually really impressed by it. The writing is brilliant. The BDSM concepts are spot on. The storylines are fun and not too ridiculous and best of all is the Humour. The N64 Goldeneye at the water fight was hillarious. I also like that there is something for everyone character wise and I'm really looking forward to the next update. Great Work.


Thanks for the update looking forward to the content as always. Not to stack your plate but more of a question - are there still stories written for Ms. Chang? She was such a key character early on but haven't seen her storyline evolve in quite some time

Zyphos Zanderson

There was a poll regarding the priority of the story back in July, but Mrs Chang was not as popular as other options. However, I remember reading that all the story lines featured in the poll will be developed eventually. I'm also really looking foreward to Mrs. Chang's main story and also the D&D side story!


Best thing I love is being updated on progress.


Ty for the update. Please, take as much time as you need. I personally don't mind waiting for more of your greatness to be released.