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As I said in the development update we still have a lot of extra stuff that still needs to be added into the base game (spying scenes, more conversations with staff and students etc) plus several scenes which we didn’t quite have time to finish in version 0.2 (continuation of Priti’s story, some scenes for Maxine). I know lots of people are keen to see the punishment system implemented as soon as possible so we will also be working on this in the background with the aim of having it implemented in version 0.4.

All this means that we won't have time to continue every story in version 0.3. I'd therefore like to have a poll on which of the following storylines people enjoyed the most and we’ll try to continue one or two of the popular ones.



The sooner Miss Potts is trained the better the discipline score will be; not only that, she has a great asset to smack. Would be nice if she could wear some less conventional underwear also. Thanks for a great game.