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Update: Hello! Update on the sickness, I've been trying to rest up. My vocie came back on Wednesday with the help of some cough drops.... Now, i'm feeling congested, runny nose and body aching. I was really hoping I would feel better by the end of this week but sadly, its not the case.

I know that I wanted to record the new League of Legends Animatic yesterday. I know that the Hellvua Boss episode airs tomorrow... but with how i'm feeling, I just can't imagine recording those things. I simply don't feel well enough to get around to them. I haven't been this sick in over 3 years, so I'm trying to cope with the fact that I need to take this time to rest up.  

I still don't have TimeTagger (Miraculous) recorded yet. I'm hoping I can recover to get it recorded, but there is a possibility that I might not be healthy enough to recorded it before Tuesday. I am still aiming for Miraculous Week on August 8th.

Along with that, I don't have the Patreon Request Series: Umbrella Academy Season 3 recorded yet either. Due to July being my birthday month (July 11), I pushed a lot of my recording till the end of the month. I typically always take a week off for my birthday :P But, my voice was rough after doing my subathon on twitch and my own birthday party on july 16th... so i had to continue pushing my recordings out further.


Jujutsu Kaisen will still be uploaded, due to the fact that those are all edited and recorded many weeks in advance (since i have an editor who works on those).  

Cross your fingers that I will recover by Monday!


Due to coming down with Tonsillitis, I currently don’t have the next Miraculous Episode recorded for today. I was hoping my voice would be better in time for me to record what I needed, but sadly, it doesn’t seem to be the case. I started feeling sick on Friday and it’s only got worse as the days went on, including losing my voice.

I’m so sorry to push this off, but the schedule for YouTube’s EP will stay the same. I will be uploading Miraculous on YouTube, but unfortunately, Patreon’s EP: Timetagger will have to wait till I recover. I will record it as soon as I recover from my Tonsillitis, which could be a day or two or even longer. I am hoping that this won’t impact my plans for Miraculous Week starting August 8th-13th, one episode per day on both YouTube and Patreon

Wish me luck in recovering quickly~



Hang in there iamzamber! I hope you feel a whole lot better soon 🥺🥺


I hope you feel better, did you have to have a tonsillectomy? (hopefully not) Rest drink plenty of warm tea with honey. (I've only known one person in my life whose had tonsillitis and that was my youngest sister when she was about 17, she had a tonsillectomy.) If you had to have one too then rest and eat ice cream, sherbet, and frozen yogurt along with tea and honey.


Nah, thankfully it wasn't that bad. Just need to rest up and take it easy for a few more days. Now, it's more just cold symptoms that remain.