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" The Monster You Created "


Arcane S1 E9 Timer Patreon



I'm under the firm belief that people show their true colors in their final moments. From the moment Powder clinged to Silco desperate to confide in anyone who would listen, he was always genuine in his care for her. His ways of caring for and teaching her were way fucked up and twisted but he never saw them that way. He truly believed her becoming Jinx was the best thing for her and he always loved her for who she was. That death scene was ultimately what made Jinx realize this and why she made that choice. She's not the same person anymore and Vi just couldn't see that, she was convinced she could turn her back to her old self right down to continuing to call her Powder even after all the fucked up stuff she's done. Silco always loved the person she became, Vi always loved who she was before, but the last of Powder died when Silco did. This ending and that entire scene was phenominal and even as someone who knows nothing about LoL I can't WAIT to see what happens next.


The whole ending scene is just so fucking powerful. Also RIP Mel, you manipulative queen, I will love and miss you