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Thank You to Request Tier Member: Brooke Fram


Seven Deadly Sins S2 E1 2 Timer Patreon



ok lol, happy to know she went with Signs of Holy War, Netflix really bungled it's season numbering with this series. I mean there is season 1 then some OAVs, then an actual season 2. I guess America doesn't really have an OAV equivalent. The closest for a show is maybe Season 6 of Fururama that was originally sold as straight to dvd movies, before being picked up again as a series.


Yeah it's not actually season 2, I personally call it ''season 1.5'' Thanks to the way Netflix numbered it, when people would talk about season 2, Netflix watchers would call it ''season 3'', when it's about season 3, they would instead say ''season 4'' etc. which makes things very very confusing.