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Thank you to Request Tier Member:  Abigail Hopkins


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The honeycomb big yeah yeah yeah is a reference to the older Honeycomb cereal commercials. Also you looked a little confused with the coffin thing towards the end. It's a reference to the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey. The coffin kinda resembles the monolith, in the background they are playing the song Also Sprach Zarathustra and when she opens the coffin the effects resemble what the main character sees when he gazes at the monolith on Saturn. I wanna say they've made other references to 2001 in the show, like when Bender was dating the ship they had the ship kinda act a little like Hal 9000. Great movie if you've never seen it one Kubrik's classic movies, then again pretty much most stuff he made is very good I mean he also did The Shining and Full Metal Jacket and several others.