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" Spider-Sprig; Olivia & Yunan "


Amphibia S3 E7 Timer Patreon


Tristan N Milner

at 5:15 "OMG, Girl! I love your hair!" That's the Happy Zamber reaction we like. "Is this the new Spider-Man movie?" I'll take Sprig over Tobey McPoker any day.

Tristan N Milner

18:40 roughly for Marcy's nightmare scene. 20:50 for Marcy getting the chair.

The Amazing Webhead

This was great! I hope the title for YouTube, you put “DARCY?!!” XD

The Amazing Webhead

The thing with Andras is the fact that the Core is connect to him in his mind that it seems that a lot of his most evil deeds may have been influenced by The Core like a devil on your shoulder type scenario. Showing he does care for Marcy makes him a interesting villain. Otherwise one of the best & darkest episodes.


With the spider sprig thing, the fact that she blames grandpa AND Sprig for the destruction when he was literally trying not to let her grandpa kill him, COULD he have taken it more seriously, sure, but if you watch it all he does is dodge death. So the lesson is essentially, if a someone chases you with a dangerous weapon, gun, explosive of some kind, ect, it is your responsibility to get hit/killed or any damage cause by your assailant is also your fault. Like I get he just wanted attention and helping people was a side thing, but it's also not HIS responsibility to keep ,clearly unhinged, people from being jealous or petty. Idk it just kind of bugged me.


Nothing against the guy who played Robert Otto, but man it would have been great if they got Alfred Malina.