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Hiya Everyone!

As some of you know, I took an extended time off from September 1 until September 5th. I celebrated my Husband's birthday and my own belated birthday break. (I usually take a week off for my birthday, but due to Owl House, i was unable too) During that break, I also was taking care of my puppy Suki, who went in to be spayed, so we had to keep her from running or jumping. HOWEVER.... On August 16th, I sprained my ankle and have been refusing to go to the doctor...... After 4 weeks of being unable to walk correctly and horrible pain, I went in on September 9th. The doctor recommended I wear a boot for the following weeks, giving me about a 2 week window to monitor if my ankle improves at all. I was also given some pain pills that would help with the swelling.

Being in a constant state of pain for the last 5 weeks has been really draining on me. I have been trying to edit and record, but it's hard to get the energy to get up and move. It's hard to shower, since it involves me standing for a extended amount of time. I can't even run my dogs outside as the hill we live on is dea th for my ankle.  I'm not trying to make an excuse, but it's really hard for me to handle. From March until the accident, I had been trying to workout and cook healthier meals... but being in pain anytime I stop giving 100% focus to my foot has been mentally draining. I never have had an injury like this before, so it's been hard to take it as seriously as I should have. (no broken bones club) I'm really hoping that the boot will help my ankle, so wish me luck that I can recover!

I wanted to give a proper explanation as to why videos have been late and infrequent on patreon and youtube. Thank you all for being patient! More My Hero Academia, Beastars and Dragon Maid will be uploaded this week!


Brookie XD

Hope you feel better!!


Take your time, health ccomes first.

Imani Brooks

Don't push yourself. Rest up and heal. Hope you feel you better soon!


Yes please take your time to recover iamzamber it’s okay you come first always never forget that


Don't even worry, your well-being is more important than uploads, here's hoping for a speedy recovery!!!


Hey take your time hon, my mom broke her ankle a few weeks ago and had to get a boot too. I'm just happy you didn't end up with Covid a week later like she did.


Take care of yourself first and foremost Zamber! You are important ❤️


Don't worry about it at all. Personal safety and wellbeing come first.

Tristan N Milner

"Get your rest. If you haven't got your health, you haven't got anything." Count Rugen, The Princess Bride.