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" Knock, Knock, Knockin' on Hooty's Door "


Owl House S2 E8 Timer Patreon



So it is possible to have multiple plots in a Lumity episode, and I care about all of them. Sorry Gus. I kinda figured accepting the Curse would be how they went with it. Standard anime stuff. Eda is rockin’ that new look, too! Now I want to see Lilith. I wonder if it’ll be easier or harder for her to come to terms with.


You know, I think normalization of LGBTQ characters and relationships, is important and welcoming. But, there is something to be said about stories that explore that aspect, too. Western cartoons skipped over the more complex issues of being gay, went from “never show it” to “have it but never talk about it.” Except, young gay kids could use positive discussions of… being gay. Hell, straight kids could use some positive examples of how to interact with gay kids. Because in the real world, there are hurdles. There is anxiety about coming out. It is confusing to have crushes and want to ask people out, when 90% of people wouldn’t be receptive. Most kids don’t wear LGBTQ pins to announce their preferences, how do you know that cute girl could even like a girl? The correct answer is, just tell them you like them, and then they can say, “sorry, I’m not attracted to girls.” And you can move on amicably. But it’s rarely that simple. I like stories where it’s just normal and we can enjoy representation without complications. But, we do need stories about complications, too.


To clarify, I’m not asking for cartoons to explore bigotry or panic. I’m talking about positive explorations of being gay, and showing it’s ok despite the extra complexities.


I think the whole tunnel of love thing was an interesting thing, the whole Amity seeing it and Luce freaking out, where from Amity's point of view it could look like Luce didn't like her. Also with Eda I agree the new look is awesome. If you get the chance to have wings take it, unless it's like bat like wings, that deal would suck