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Thank You to Request Tier Member: Bubblegum402


While You Were Sleeping S1 E1 Timer Patreon



I stay up late and this is the price I have to pay, having to sleep when I know this is here god dammit X’DDD


This totally threw me off lol. I saw While You Sleeping show up, and I'm like who would suggest a cheesy rom com from 1995? then I notice it's a series, and I'm like don't tell me they made a series based on it. Look up While You Were Sleeping show, completely unrelated Korean drama series. I'll check it out later, but I figured you'd get a kick out of my confusion Bubblegum lol


“You should have just taken the rice cakes” couldn’t have said it any better XDD and I won’t lie I got confused thinking there was a dub until I remembered your watching it on another site so the subtitles are a bit different but the same XDD aaa I can’t wait to watch the next reactionnnn


OH FAIR! I forget that the subtitles are different on different sites X D I feel like Hulu always has realllllly off subtitles from any other streaming platform... IDK why.


I smoke and yeah, never smoke near gas. Hell I keep my distance from non smokers even avoid 2nd hand smoke, and we're talking outside on the street or sidewalk. If someone is next to me at a bus stop I walk several feet away to smoke and if there are kids around I simply don't smoke.


You’re a good guy for spacing yourself when smoking tho I don’t agree with smoking as my parents smoked a lot and it has stuffed up my mum’s throat to the point she coughs/chokes constantly now I’m glad there’s people like you who are respectful of others


Well I also make my own cigarettes out of pipe tobacco, doesn't have anywhere near the amount of chemicals of commercial cigarettes, you can actually taste the difference, that's part of the reason even though I've smoked for 20+ years I very rarely have coughs, it also doesn't hurt I'm not a heavy smoker. I'd say I'm a medium to light smoker . I very rarely smoke a whole cigarette in one sitting. I usually buy 1 lb of tobacco and 2 cartons of cigarette tubes, that will last me over a month (a fair amount of the tubes end up damaged or lost, so it's even less than that.) Honestly the whole reason I started smoking was because it was the only to get any kind of break when I was working as a teenager.