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Beep, Boop... Robo Zamber here with another upload!

Thank You to Request Tier Member: Brooke Fram

Robo Fact... Zamber was hard on the show in the first two episodes... She softens up in the rest... Can Robots learn kindness? 


Trollhunters S1 E1 2 TIMER Patreon



So at first I thought when the notification popped up it was for the movie Trollhunter. Was gonna be surprised because it's such an obscure movie, a 2010 Norwegian monster movie, it's a good movie don't get me wrong but I found out about it on a list of obscure monster movies.


Oh my goddddd yessssss and my friend is with me too she will love this!!


So question about request tier if anyone can clarify for me. Does someone have to request a series a second time to continue with a request tier series? ex. Magus Bride, Kimi ni Todoke, etc. Is it a random pick of requests that gets taken up each month? There are several series I'd like to see Zamber continue. Just wasnt sure how often older request series come back. Also, Hope your move is going smoothly Zamber. Congratz.


So basically, each person in the request tier tells me what to watch each month... so it can be literally anything... But every month they just let me know their pick. So They could pick out a brand new series every month or continue to support the series until we finish it (with 6-7 episodes each month or 2-3 hours of recording) So it's up to the individual members in that tier to pick what they want to request :)


Hmm. I watched the first 3 episodes a long time ago, and it just didn’t grab me. I’ve been told it gets better, so maybe I need to revisit it. Plus the spinoff series.


If I remember correctly the creator of this series used to do more adult stuff and tried making a cartoon and it was this so that’s why there is more mature comedy and language even if it’s tiny


Hey gabiruh here, i'm really happy you started reacting to this series it helped me a lot when i had depression, this series always made me feel better and i hope it makes you feel better as well. The first episodes are boring, but after the first arc is done this series get better and better Thank you for Reading have a Nice day :)