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"  Lost in Newtopia; Sprig Gets Schooled "


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Zakry Esch

That second one has such a good message


Hey, hold on a gosh dang minute baby carrots are an awesome snack, love baby carrots and carrot sticks. Also, trail mix isn't bad, I rather like it. Also was just excited to hear Kieth David as the king, he's a great actor/voice actor.


As an old man, I'd say don't look down on technical degrees they can help out a lot more in the real world. Learning technical skills are always a plus, you'd be surprised how an associates degree can open many doors and transfer into a 4 year degree. Can be a lot cheaper too. I didn't do well in college, but I had unusual circumstances like my mother dying a month into my 2nd semester and my stepfather forcing me to return to school a week afterwards when he married a new woman 6 months to the day my mother died and you end up in a terrible stage of major depression and end up having to drop out because it's just too much for you to handle. Most people won't go through that. Always make sure you have a safety net of people. The universe is a harsh cruel place that wants to break you, so you build strength with others, the bonds that connect you, friends and family. Sorry for getting emotional and sappy but take it from an old man who'll turn 40 this year.


The only thing worse than a tourist, is a tourist trying to be “authentic” with the locals.