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"  The Ballad of Duke Baloney! "


Ducktales S2 E3 TIMER Patreon



Can you please start doing the regular in timer reactions please


It’s crazy that nothing about Glomgold is real, not even his country of origin. Now, he is a lunatic who goes too far..... but, I kinda get his reaction to getting a measly dime from an ultra rich patron. The symbolism wouldn’t mean anything to him, without context, it’s just looks like Scrooge is stiffing him. Next time I’m allowed to eat at a restaurant, I’ll toss the waitress a penny and tell her to work harder.


No, as it’s a change I needed to make in order to keep doing reaction videos on Patreon.


There are all sorts of weird things about the brain, like Phineas Gage who had a a large iron spike go through his head and he survived though it was noted he had a drastic personality change and became far more likely to get angry and violent. Or you have the case of Charles Whitman, the Texas University sniper who before his rampage had been plagued by headaches and noticed a change in himself and even left a note before he went on his rampage that he wanted his brain examined after death and they discovered a large tumor pressing against his amygdala, possibly effecting the way he dealt with fear processing.