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"  The Other Bin of Scrooge McDuck! "


Ducktales S1 E21 TIMER Patreon



I don't know if it's a problem on my end but your videos haven't been working for me :( They all have a 'timer' with a colorful background where the episode is supposed to be and I can't see or hear to what you're reacting to. It's not just on the Ducktales reactions but Amphibia and movie reactions as well. I tried using my phone and tablet but it's still doing the same thing. Maybe it's the episode itself (not your videos but the actual episodes of the shows) or maybe it really is a problem on my end?? I don't know but it's frustrating because I love watching your reactions (I'm a very silent long time watcher) and I haven't been able to watch them because of this problem :(


Yes, I made a public post back in May that I had pinned at the top of my Patreon announcing that at the start of July, all videos would be uploaded as Timer reactions. I gave about a month and a half notice to everyone, so that everyone would be able to adjust their pledge if they wanted to stay on or not. I would make sure to always read all the Update posts that I occasionally will put out. https://www.patreon.com/posts/patreon-changes-36754570


Lol, for me, Louie is the only thing that salvages the B-plot. First time watching, I was practically pulling my hair out when they cut away from Lina, Magicka, and the Other Bin. But yes, Louie being the schemer is put to good use here. I also love that in a Liar Reveal trope (again, I hate this trope), the Liar actually chooses to come clean and ask for help! Shame Magicka took over her body at just that moment.


I like how they end the bigfoot thing with kind of a nod to how Harry and the Hendersons ended Louie smacking the Bigfoot and saying go on. In Harry and the Hendersons it's John Lithgow who smacks the Bigfoot telling it to go on and acting mean to it, but for it's own protection to go to the woods so it can be free and not get captured or hunted. 30 Rock also did a good reference to it several years ago, though with Alec Baldwin's character and one of the writers. Kinda funny that this show references several movies that are older like this. In a later episode they even do a quick gag reference to a movie kids are far less likely to have seen.