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Brooklyn 99 S1 E1 Timer Patreon



not sure where you're watching this. but my netflix stream get's desynched. I was able to have it on pretty well by syncing past the logo at the beginning. but noticed the sync got worse and worse as the video went on


I used Hulu to watch both this episode and Brooklyin nine nine, which is weird. Considering the two videos (Futurama and Brooklyn) are from wayyyy different times of being posted (months apart) I'm curious if maybe it's a problem on your end? I can't imagine why two videos from months apart would both be out of sync and no one else reporting a problem. Maybe your internet is lagging or a connection problem or with the system you are using? or else maybe a problem with Youtube in your area? I'm not entirely sure. :( Sorry I can't be more helpful. Unless your netflix is on a faster speed then hulu lol 0.o which i guess is possible since netflix added the new "speed" button