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" Heart Part 1 and 2 "

Thank you to all the cast and crew for this incredible show!!! I loved every moment of it and was so happy with how it all turned out!!! A incredible finale!


She ra S5 E12 13 Timer Patreon



Establishes that Adora will die. Zamber: “Just toss her in!” ;D


This was an amazing season, and finale. And one that meant a lot to me. For LGBTQ representation, this was one of the last milestones we wanted in a Western kids cartoon. The main character getting her love interest, on screen, canonically queer. It’s even the driving force of the climax, of the series! Not ambiguous to the point of needing twitter confirmation. Not a background character. Not even a sexless (but gendered) space rock. It’s taken too long to get here, and maybe the fact that it’s on Netflix and not broadcast tv is still a barrier. But this meant so much to me. I felt an emotional weight lift after this, I no long expect that we’re not allowed to have this. And hey, Steven Universe broke barriers, the Loud House isn’t hiding their lesbians. So maybe this will stick. I look forward to it being so normalized, it’s no longer news when it happens.


I feel like this show should serve as a testament for how a creative team putting all the love and care they can into their story and characters and having them do everything they can to earn the endings they deserve will lead the audience to love and care for them too. If you want people to end your show with joy at having watched it, you need to have put your own joy into writing it all the way to the end, and the team behind She-Ra did just that. I'm sad it's over, but I'm so glad it happened.


I got serious Frodo and Sam vibes at the end, and there is just something so emotional about two people that have known each other their whole lives trying to make a stand in what could very well be the end. Shadow Weaver's sacrifice hit me a lot harder than I expected, and it was beautifully done. Seeing the future of some of the characters was quite cool too (though the idea of Hordak and Entrapta having a baby is interesting). There was just so much payoff in the final episode, which is what you want in that kind of episode. Thanks for sharing your reactions, Zamber. :)