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 "Return to the Fright Zone"  and  "Failsafe" 


She ra S5 E10 11 Timer Patreon


Ashton Wizard

I was wondering why the reaction didn’t seem to make sense with the episode lol. Return to the Fright Zone and Failsafe are episodes 10 and 11 lol


Totally get your frustrations with Catra; her character type is always one that can be a hit or miss with people. I think an important factor to keep in mind is that Adora has essentially said she's okay with sacrificing her very life for the failsafe. And there is a possibility that it really will kill her. Is it for the greater good and is she the only one with even a slight chance of surviving? Absolutely! They don't have a lot of options here and I would've made the same choice as Adora. But I get Catra wanting not to watch someone she cares about possibly die. "I don't have to stay and watch it happen." That line is what kinda stuck with me the most in this conversation. It's not exactly fair of Catra to run off, but I don't think it's exactly fair to ask her to stay either. It's a tricky situation. Really love your reactions though! And that you're trying to understand Catra despite her character type not really being one that jives with you lol.


It's a bit of a bummer that you have to be so insistent on the fact that you like Catra when you bring up some negative aspects of her character that don't really jive with you or others- it kinda says something about how defensive some fans can be when a critical light is cast upon the characters they love. I'm absolutely captivated by Catra's character and the development she goes through, her moments with the Best Friend Squad in this season have been wonderful, and the easing of her and Adora's relationship back into something so comfortable as it once was is incredibly well handled. That said, I totally get how her mental and emotional hang-ups could turn people off from her and, given her significant role, the show as a whole- she's bitter toward the world around her and ultimately self-destructive, and not everyone wants to watch that. All we've seen of this season and what's to come do explore where those feelings come from and what they finally lead to, but that's a long journey to recommend to someone just because they might like the end better than the rest of it. In any case, I look forward to seeing the final two reactions from you- soon, hopefully! Also I love your Shadow Weaver voice and analysis on her.


Even if the fans aren’t mad, just trying to avoid 300 identical posts explaining the character motivations would be tiresome. Hypocritically, I would be one of those posts, “defending”, explaining, politely disagreeing. But I agree, don’t be apologetic about how you feel. But I also get trying to mitigate the flood of responses. If we all felt the same way about everything, it’d be a boring world.


“I’m so glad we’re reconnecting after all this time. But I’m going to go do a suicide mission because my abusive mother figure told me to. Wait, why aren’t you being supportive of me probably dying?”


The cold intro is so a page out of Justice League: Tower of Babel, when Batman had secretly kept files on all the weaknesses of the Justice League members. Though in the story they were stolen by Ra's Al Ghul and used against the Justice League while he had built a tower that transmitted a frequency that made all talking into gibberish. Really great storyline. Also, I love Bow's dads, they made a dad joke. I think I like them better than Ered's gay dads.