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"  The Missing Links of Moorshire! "



Watch 11 - Crystal Hope on Dailymotion



That is Pinkie Pie/Fluttershy (Andrea Libman) and Twlight (Tara Strong). Good call.


My Murder Kelpie: Drowning is Magic. Yeah, a lot of good humor. But having Andrea Libman and Tara Strong gleefully offer to kill them makes the episode for me.


The adorable murder ponies totally make this episode. A lot of the kelpie references here are true to folklore, though they left out probably the scariest bit: Kelpies are carnivores. So they were totally planning on eating anyone they managed to drown.


I like that they even included the voice throwing thing as Kelpies were known for as appearing as lantern lights in foggy swamps to lure people in, or making sounds like people to lure travelers to their deaths.


I never got the whole golf thing either, maybe if I hadn't been forced into playing it when I was a child I could have learned to like it, but I think that's doubtful it just was too slow paced for me. Well that and it requires a certain level of finesse that unfortunately my body lacks, I've accidentally broken way too many things that prove that.


I don't think I've heard you mention it, but did you know Scrooge is voiced by David Tennant? I just found that out.


yessss! i know i've mentioned it abit :P because i have drooled about him, but maybe i only keep those parts in on the youtube edits HAHA