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4 Episode Series Finale  :) 

Link 2; Google Drive - please wait an hour or two for this one

Link 3:  Last Ditch ;/ 

Update: They all work for me... but here is more links :D

(also there is an awkward part during the last episode where i had to switch the episode on my Youtube TV because it recorded funny... and forget to cut those 10 seconds out... OOF)


Full - Su Future Season Finale Patreon.mp4



I’m not ready :( your reactions to Steven Universe were the first thing I went to after watching an episode!


I'm ready to cry Again


It’s been a heck of a ride!! I rlly enjoyed ur reactions, I’m glad I’ve got to experience this with you! <3


Zamber I don't mean to be annoying but is there any other links we can watch this? I know like no other places work but gofile just buffers for me If not, I can just wait out the loading stuff, I've just become spoiled with fast internet


It’s not loading for me😭


Dang it’s not loading at all.


Gofile's not working for me :(


Yeah, it tells me 'something went wrong' when I click the link


I have not accepted that Steven Universe has ended yet.

Dayvon Rose

I agree with feeling satisfied for the finale. I truly didn't know how I'd feel after the end and I feel like they did everything they could have possibly done and then some. I also do agree that there could have been more songs, I know that they wanted a very serious and realistic story for Steven, but you can not have him face a very big threat and still choose to sing to resolve things in the movie and not have him sing something here. We've seen him interested in music throughout shorts, the movie, the games, and the show so it feels weird that there wasn't at least some twisted song or even a last hurrah of We are the Crystal Gems when trying to save Steven. It's really cheesy, but it could have worked since he is the original writer of that song and sung it at the very beginning. As far as pacing I already knew it felt weird at the start of the series. Some characters didn't really feel like themselves or felt like they could only use 1 character trait, but that was sorta fixed in the 2nd half. For example, the bluebird episode had Steven so fed up that he quickly remarks how the drawing he found was ugly. Amythest reveals it was her who drew it and then proceeded to cry and run off. Correct me if I'm wrong, but when has she done that? I could see her having an angry/upset remark and storming off, but not just crying without anything being said. It really felt like the first half of the season was not really organic and each episode focused on different things. The 2nd half actually had an overarching story. In a way I don't really blame the show and I am not mad. They wanted to bring back characters for one last hurrah and usually in last seasons you have sporadic episodes to accommodate for having so many different characters. Lastly, if I were to have changed something about the season I would have mixed up the pacing/direction. I'm glad we got to address Steven and his issues, but I felt like it was so much that the climax couldn't have gone any other way but how it did. I would have loved to have resolved the issue a bit earlier while having the 1 hour special be a farewell to Steven. Kind of like the viewers being invited to send him off and having a lot of guest stars sort of organically return to remind Steven that he truly helped them.


I had a more emotional reaction after watching the finale a second time. It's like the fact that the show is really over didn't sink in till now and I started bawling. This is so much more of a satisfying conclusion than the og series had. I feel like it was actually a goodbye to this series that lasted 7 years of my life. I never thought I would grow to love this series so much... And for my final message, I leave you a quote from Spinel. "You forgot your foot thong"


Personally, not a big fan of the ending, but I was also raised on the principle "You don't abandon family". And that's basically what he did, because even he was saying "You realize I could never come back". I'm not so against traveling, and finding out what the world's like, but at the end of the day, you come back home. He should completely get his own place and everything, but just being around his family is a good thing. In a way, it feels like he's still running away from his problems, instead of facing them. You can take a break, that's fine, but he's still running away. I guess it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth because it feels wrong.


I think that was less about Steven holding his relationship with them over their heads or anything like that and more like Steven just giving them the proper expectations they should have with someone going out and seeing the world - anything could happen to him. I think Garnet's little speech at the end of that segment does a good job of clearing things up There's definitely a huge difference between the trip he's actually taking and the trip he'd BE taking if he actually *were* running away


I will miss this show and your reactions to this show


.....what was in the chest