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"Together Forever" and "Growing Pains"



Watch Full - Su Future March 13th Patreon - Longhair Cartoon on Dailymotion



I honestly think the whole a soulmate is a part of you comes from Plato's 3 sexes. Just reinterpreted. Could be wrong, but that's what it makes me think of.


Also for you young people it's always better to address your traumas, get a therapist. Take this from a guy going into his 40's. Therapy helps, I don't wanna go into my whole life story, but my father shot himself when I was 5, I remember being lead out of the house by police and his body covered in a sheet. Most people don't have as great of a long term memory as me, I'm autistic, but mental health is extremely important when you have traumas in your youth. I have non combatant PTSD because I didn't take mental health seriously. I'm not trying to be preachy, but just consider it advice from an elder. Steven has PTSD even if they don't spell it out, at least in my opinion.


These episodes just hit the feels.


Show: *going over all of Steven's trauma* Zamber: *mad cackling*


I keep saying it and I won't stop saying it until SUF is over: Spinel is the key Steven needs to get through this. She's the only person he knows who understands his fears of change and feelings of abandonment to the degree Steven is feeling them; and the situation he's in calls for the lessons he taught her in the movie. She was afraid of who she was and hated how she only seemed to be able to change for the worst, and she held Steven in contempt for being able to change for the better. Their situations have completely switched now, and she has the perspective he needs DESPERATELY.

Cultured Degenerate

Honestly the proposal went a lot better than I thought it would. Connie didn't outright deny him or imply that they wouldn't have a future together. Just a very realistic and sensible "not right now". Steven's reaction afterwards is on him. He's his own worst enemy right now lol