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I wanted to take a quick moment to thank you all for being one of my Patreon members! We are super close to hitting Goal 5 here, which would mean starting a brand new anime series weekly on Tuesdays! :D We have been getting insanely close to hitting this goal the last two months! IF, we should hit Goal 5 this February/early March, the vote for the Goal 5: New Tuesday Series would only be decide by Patreon.

The Replacement Series Vote for both Tangled and Assassination Classroom will be voted on by Patreon and Youtube.  BUT... Since the Goal 5: New Tuesday Series is a strictly funded by Patreon, you guys get to decide what it will be (it will still be edited and posted to Youtube on Tuesdays and Full Reactions on Patreon).  I  just wanted to make that clear that Youtube will not be suggesting or voting on the Goal 5: New Tuesday Series, when and if we hit it.

The Suggestions for the New Series to replace  both Tangled and Assassination Classroom will be starting up next week, so keep your eyes open and start thinking of what new series you might want to suggest!

Once we hit Goal 5, I will be added more smaller Goals for us to reach on Patreon. I honestly wasn't sure if I would ever reach Goal 5, so I didn't add very many past it;;



Cool, congratulations

Leotha Boyd

Well done!😁😊😁! Very well done indeed.


Nice! ^^


I didn’t wanna comment it under the goal 5 being reached post but noticed you said there’s a lot of shows, you gonna be okay with requests and everything all together iamzamber? Make sure to take care of yourself too


Yessss :) It's totally not a problem! I'm gonna take a month off from the "Thursday Weekly Spot" for a Month when Tangled Ends... I'll use that too get caught up in the extra series! :) and then in April, we will do the vote to replace it! <3 ty love