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Hello All My Sweet Zamily,

I wanted to keep you all updated as much as possible, my grandmother passed away today. She has been battling cancer for the last 2 years and it has finally taken her life. She is in a better place now and no longer in pain. She stopped responding yesterday and passed after 24 hours.

The wake and funeral are still being decided, but I just wanted to make you all aware that some of the Requests and B.F.F tier reactions might be delayed.... ( or at least a possibility that it could be delayed) I have been driving back to my home town a lot to be with my family during this time. I'm not sure about anything yet, but I do want to be transparent as possible with you all.

If i'm not responding on social media or on patreon, please know it's because I am helping my family and mourning with them!  <3

Wishes you all the best and Sending my love~



Please be strong and spend time with your family zamber, I wish you all the best 😞


i'm so sorry for your loss, zamber. take as much time as you need, we all understand.. losing a loved one is never easy. thoughts are with you and your family


I'm sorry for your loss.


Awwww..... take as much time as you need!

Imani Brooks

I am so sorry for you and your family's loss. My heart goes out to you all in this difficult time.


So sorry for your loss, Zamber. Please be safe driving back and forth, and take whatever time you need. We will wait. Family always comes first.