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Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hvSEy8YRkMv_cKQbuCqXUvTRKDNDTvta/view?usp=sharing

This will be the last week of 3 episodes! :) WHICH IS GREAT FOR ME!

lol our game of catch up is finally ending! We should be good to go to start going down to one or two episodes every week. The plan is the Season 2 finale will be together... THAN Season 3 Episode 1 is another hour long episode... So we will watch that one solo.  after that.... I'm not sure.... it don't think tangled is coming back till next year so I'll just do one episode each week.... 

Honestly, it all depends on how fast they push out Owl House starting in January... It might make me want to finish Tangled faster if they are doing another EVERY NIGHT, NEW EPISODE... format for Owl house....  X.X not sure.... we will see...

Regardless, the Zamily will be caught up in time for the new releases of tangled.... whenever that is


Full - Tangled S2 E18, 19 and 20 Patreon.mp4


Ganaroth Les

"PAN out in the end." Because it's Rapunzel. Ha HA.


See, this set wasn’t as tedious as some of the earlier “padding” episodes of this season. Weave in the plot, make the setup intriguing, have character development. The problem with Journey plotlines is, you know what the goal is far ahead of time, and you only have a limited number of distractions before the audience gets tired and wants to see it through. This season didn’t have enough meat to its story, so parts of it really start to drag.