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"  Spinning Time "


oh boy 4

Watch oh boy 4 - video dailymotion - dm_3516ce0a441d02fbb9faeb8cbd549d41 on dailymotion



Just for fun I'm gonna tell you some of the names my parents considered for me. If I was gonna be a girl Noel was top of the list. My birthday is 12/30, so hence the Christmas theme. The second most favored name was Storm. I would have loved that, but instead I was named Aaron after my great grandfather and Robert was my middle name in honor of my great grandfather and also my father whose first name was Bobby. (I shit you not on his birth certificate it says Bobby and he hated hit, so he went by Bob.) Not trying to probe too deep but I figured you all might also have interesting stories behind your names, if you wanna share it feel free to do so, if not no pressure. Nicknames included I think this might be fun 😎🖤


I figure I might as well mention it arbitrarily since I don't exactly know when it's supposed to happen, but you should probably do what you can to avoid the first two episodes' opening once it changes over to the next opening? if I remember right it has some spoiler-heavy stuff, but the song still slaps. I don't remember if it was just the one or the first two, but after that it should be fine to watch


Yeahhhhhhhhhhh I'll kind of second that, it didn't really ruin anything for me, but I've never really cared about "spoilers in intros". Despite that though even I was a little ehhhhhhhhhhh when I first watched the last intro.


Gotta love them good father-son dynamics at the end there.


Honestly, I enjoy the first half over the second half of this episode, all the boys teaming up together for peeping- I mean assassinating is so wholesome.