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 " Destiny Part 1 and Part 2 " 

Season 4 Final Episodes


End of S4

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'you are just the same as catra' FGVDF no i think there's a big difference between her and catra. catra could NEVER admit she's done anything wrong, she blames everyone else around her. glimmer thought she was right but when she realized she was wrong.. she immediately admitted it and took accountability and tried to FIX it. yeah, she was wrong, yeah she messed up BAD, but comparing her to catra who has done SO MANY TERRIBLE THINGS is a bit much.. idk. when catra almost destroyed the world she basically said 'so what? who cares it didn't get destroyed and we got what we wanted from it' glimmer's not like that. they parallel each other, but how they deal with the things they've done is a BIG difference.. I think that's the point. also i think there's more going on with catra than you think when it comes to her telling horde prime about the weapon! i'm hoping now she's literally lost everything and hit rock bottom, she only has up to go.. time will tell i suppose! IDK just my thoughts. great reaction tho!

Ganaroth Les

A couple of points. First, He-man is very unlikely. Noelle Stevenson has said several times that she has no interest in bringing the character into this show, and the television rights for He-man are owned by a different company in any case. It would be difficult to make happen, although Stevenson has said that she'd love to do a crossover special at some point.

Ganaroth Les

Second, while Catra and Glimmer are indeed VERY similar, I think we can be slightly more generous with Glimmer's motivations toward Scorpia. Glimmer was definitely using her, no argument, but I don't think she was lying either. I honestly think she does want Scorpia to be happy (as long as it fits in her plan), and really does believe in her. She's as ruthless as Catra, in her way, but she hasn't reached that level of cynicism.

Ganaroth Les

Finally... Catra just saved everyone by thinking quick and telling Prime what he needed to hear in order to spare Etheria. We can't know yet if this is the beginning of her redemption, but from the look she and Glimmer share with each other at the end, I think they both understand that for the moment they are allies against a common threat. Which frankly is going to be great to see.


her intentions might not have been ENTIRELY pure, but I genuinely believe glimmer meant everything she actually DID say to scorpia. glimmer may have had ulterior motives, but her telling scorpia that glimmer believes in her and that she was one of the princesses is definitely something that came off as very legitimate to me. glimmer may have cast some shadow with her insanely bright sparkles lately, but she still is glimmer. in any case, season 4 was just overall fantastic, I don't think there was a single slow episode. now that it's been a bit, I can concretely say it's my favorite season of the show (though I'm counting seasons 2 and 3 as one season in this :P)

Ganaroth Les

The only time I think she intentionally misled Scorpia was by implication, when she said "We're the good guys, remember?" I think she genuinely WAS going to go kill Catra at that point, and just gave Scorpia a non-answer. Luckily for Catra, it seemed like seeing her completely broken like that gave Glimmer pause. Yeah, she's still Glimmer. But who Glimmer is evolves and changes. I mean, she's still an essentially good person and all, but after this season, she definitely has to come to terms with who she allowed herself to become, and what she allowed herself to do. Just like Catra has to. Just like Adora has to.

Austin l Hall

Everyone talks about shadow weaver manipulativeness but in this episode you see catras skills😂ten seconds after meeting someone and she got a whole planet to be spared for now


I really enjoyed these episodes, I'm happy Zamber noticed that Hordak had tears in his eyes when he learned the truth about Entrapta, its actually one of the only times that you feel sympathetic towards Hordak. Entrapta is one of favorite characters, maybe partially because like me she seems on the spectrum.


While I dont think there will be a crossover at least it seems likely we'll get a He Man series with Kevin Smith as showrunner.

Ganaroth Les

Oh, forgot to mention: Glimmer is almost certainly still queen and ruler of Bright Moon. Bright Moon seems to be Matriarchal, like most of Etheria that we've seen (the ritual quest is called the Quest of Queens, etc), while the Kings achieve that position by marriage. In most monarchical traditions, the royal spouse is NOT the heir; that position passes to the eldest eligible child, and the parent married into the line is relegated to an honorary position. This is how it works in Britain, for instance. So it's unlikely that Micah will be in charge. Hopefully he will be able to be a moderating influence on Queen Glimmer, if she ever escapes Horde Prime, though.


Boy, a LOT to unpack with this one, huh? I think I'll only touch on how honestly sad seeing Hordak's reaction to learning the truth about Entrapta was, and how I can't wait to see the reverse. Entrapta seemed upset and dodgy about Hordak on Beast Island- it seemed like she believed HE betrayed her, that she was kept on Beast Island on his orders. The first person who really GOT her, who told her that she wasn't a failure and valued her contributions to his project, who she wanted to keep working on the portal machine with until it was perfect and trusted to shut it down upon learning of the potential destruction of the universe...abandoned her just like the Princesses had before. So I'm looking forward to seeing how she's going to feel if she finds out that didn't happen, that it was Catra who sent her to Beast Island, that her lab partner never betrayed her and didn't even know she was on Beast Island...and then subsequently learns what Horde Prime has done to him. That's gonna be SO much fun and not at all painful!


Love your comments dude, feel like I'm reading critical reviews very well done.


Everyone else hit all the important points, so I’ll just say this. Double Trouble was the MVP of this season. It could have been so easy to use them as a gimmick character, just someone to sow discord for a while. But instead, they were essential to the development of Glimmer, Adora, and especially Catra. That last one was a surprise, I was curious who the path to redemption for her was even possible after season 3. But the combined betrayal, and being the one person capable of perfectly psychoanalyzing her in a way she’d finally understand. They were perfect.