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class 1x20

Watch class 1x20 - video dailymotion - dm_65671d358c0309cd19d2cf3d78bc3396 on dailymotion



Now that I know have finished season 1, how did you like the twist? And season 2 will give you so many twists and feelings. It's an excellent show, plain and simple.


Guys tend to act like that in clubs because most girls like confidence, and either 1) they've grown an ego due to too many successes, or 2) they're trying to learn how to be confident and are going too far in the wrong direction. They're playing the dating game, and are still learning how to play. I generally just smile, tell them they're laying it on too thick, and go about my day.


God the cross-dressing scene makes me uncomfortable, they try to play it for laughs but Nagisa seems actually upset by this and it makes it weird.