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I have had a lot of great recommendations for how i can change my Patreon rewards as we move forward. NOTHING WILL CHANGE IN OCTOBER. ALL REWARDS WILL STAY! I have had a lot of people joining the B.F.F Tier and the more it grows, the more content I react too.  Currently, i have a laundry list of anime to watch for the B.F.F tier (which will get finished by the end of October!) 

Currently, The first month you join the B.F.F Tier you get to request a full movie or 3-4 episodes (2 hours of recording) of any series/anime you wish. After that first month, you get to suggest and vote with the other B.F.F Tier members for requests. BUT, i had an idea of how to upgrade the BFF Tier ($25 Tier) and the $50 Tier.

Idea: The B.F.F Tier would still get access to all Movie Reactions

           Suggest/Vote on 1 movie and 1 series (6-7 episodes or 3 hours recording).  every month

           -BUT... B.F.F Tier loses the first month Reaction Request

     The $50 Tier would become the Reaction Request Tier

     EVERY month you are a member, you get to request 6-7 episodes (3 hours of recording)

     This would be a capped tier, so only 5-10 members can be apart of this tier at a given time.

     Basically, you become a sponsor of a series :P

I'm open to suggestions for other ideas as well! The biggest complaint I have received from my Patreons is that their isn't an exclusive "Request Tier". This would help relax my workload  and allow people "exclusive" access to the movie reaction collection, without any commitmentt to staying in the B.F.F Tier (since falling out of the B.F.F tier removes access to movies).

Please Vote down below and give me any suggestions!!! :D



Now would people on the BFF tier still have access to see the requests from I guess the reaction tier is what it would be called? I get the BFF tier would only get to vote on the regular monthly vote, just wanted to know before I vote.


Yup, BFF tier wouldn't lose any of their current access to anime or series. Everything would still be the same for them going forward. So a BFF Tier member would get to see the content that a "Reaction Request Tier" member would request.

andrew howell

Lower the prices of tiers and finish the shows you start!


Then i would just have to stop doing Requests entirely, because i could never keep up with that work load as I already have a full time job outside of youtube. We would just have to keep to what i could do, which would be only doing Tangled and Assassination Classroom every week. (only 3 videos on patreon every week) Which would mean i would lower the prices of all tiers, because i wouldn't be putting out as much content.


I think change if it means helping you out is more convenient ^^ also so it’s 6-7 episodes instead of four now? O o


Yes, that would be the trade off if I would go this change. BFF would get just alittle more each month :) so that way we could finish series we start in BFF tier easier with the 6-7 episode (verse 3-4 episodes)


Glad before I go away for good (jk jk for a while) that I can vote for things like this, I hope that things work out well for you zamber✨