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" Reunion "

Thank You all for being so patient with me! Editing videos takes time and with my real job... and youtube... and amino... it gets kinda hard to balance it all out. I really adored Amphibia. I cannot wait for more of this incredible series and I PROMISE i will not sleep on it. I will be reacting everyday to watch this masterpiece!


Frog 1x20

Watch Frog 1x20 - video dailymotion - frogs gay on dailymotion



Amphibia is such a wonderful series, and that ending was so powerful. There is still so much to learn (such as Marcie's location), but it was great to see Anne's character development throughout this whole series.


Been waiting for you to get to this episode. You are right though that Amphibia had an odd release schedule. I don't understand why it was released in such a way but who knows... Well other than maybe higher ups at Disney or show runners.


I appreciate that they showed that Sasha isn’t “just” a bully. She does care about Anne, they are friends, had been since kindergarten. But people change, and group dynamics change. Toxic friends don’t know they’re toxic. It’s easy for the power dynamic between two people to become unbalanced, especially when one of them acts so dominant. As Sasha became more domineering, Anne probably worried she’d lose her longtime friend if she told her “No.”. I’m curious what they’ll do with Sasha. She seemed to have a revelation there, and she doesn’t really want to hurt Anne. But she does want to go home, and from her perspective, the Toads are her best way to do that. She woke up in a jail cell, and learned the rules of this world from the ring side. She doesn’t care what happens to people here, she didn’t bond with a town over several months, she just wants to go home.


Also, I love that, in retrospect, none of the episodes were filler. Yeah, the big plot took a back seat most of the time. But it was Anne’s growth as a person, and her relationship with the town, that actually came together in the end.

Carter madison

Hope you know, that the new season if finally here, can’t wait for you to start watching!!!!!