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"  Cursed!; Fiddle Me This "


Frog 17

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I had been waiting for you to get to this one because it was cool to learn about Maggie/Maddie (not sure which) and that yeah she's weird but is also a good person or rather frog. I do have a slight nitpick with episode B, they keep saying moth but using butterfly wings. As far as I'm aware the shape of the wings are the main thing that differentiate between a moth and a butterfly. Moths have wings that are more cape shaped start at near the head and spread as they go down. Whereas butterfly wings start midbody and spread outward in the two distinct parts. As far as coloration and the like goes there are some bright colorful moths as well as some dull drab butterflies. In fact some of the most brightly colored butterflies are poisonous (not venomous, meaning they are toxic to eat.) and the bright color warns predators. Usually the poison comes from what the butterfly feeds on, like how the Monarch butterfly is toxic because it feeds on milkweed.