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Star 4x17

Watch Star 4x17 - video dailymotion - EndGame Game on dailymotion



I totally agree with you Zamber about the Tom and Marco thing!


I get where you're going with Marco and star not having much romance between them and I agree I would actually be very okay with them just staying best friends by the end of the show, but I can still see star and Marco possibly getting together for the fact that all their experiences as best friends is what sparks that flame y'know? Star and tom had dated before the show started they already had history which is why I figured their relationship in-show moved more quickly, but with marco I'd feel okay with them implying that they're together or will be together just because it would have taken the show's entirety for it to finally/actually happen it wouldn't feel rushed or forced in my opinion, but thats just meee


I think me issue is that Star and Marco haven't had the romaticness they had had previous seasons. I just want Star and Marco to take some time, after their recent breakups and just be kids on earth :D ...and timeskip.... and than i'm cool with them being together