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"i'm your basic average.... 14 year old girl who happens to be a red head, which ... is very rare and dying gene because it is a recessive gene"

I thought this was a nice way to thank everyone for supporting me on patreon! I am so hyped we hit our third goal and I can't wait to continue to put out more content!!!!! This is the March Special Thank You Video!  :D  I trying to put out atleast one full length reaction each month to show appreciation to every single one of you!   <3

I couldn't do this and give this much of my time.. IF you all weren't helping me!



KP Reaction Live Action.mp4


Commander Dodge

That was a really bad live action version of the classic cartoon imo. The only part I even kind of liked about it was how they made Rufus.


for most of the movie i was expecting Synthodrone athena.


"Why do they always put readheads in pink it is NOT flattering!" "OH MY GOSH I LOVE THAT OUTFIT SO MUCH. UGH. SO CUTE" I want my money back Zamber