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Hope y'all like it <3


Diane closed her laptop and shut her eyes. Jenny could see her clearly enough from her position, surrounded by cushions on the floor. She liked the way the afternoon sun brushed against the rabbit’s face, making her brown fur almost seem to glow. Before she knew it, a smile touched her lips. Moments like this, in the soft quiet of the afternoon, as Diane’s work day ended and the evening began, those were her favourite moments. They held a subtle anticipation, a question of what the night would bring.

Since moving in with the rabbit, Jenny had spent nights on the edge of absolute gluttony, stuffed to within what felt like an inch of her life. Her stomach had been so full, so pink, it felt like another bite would have burst her. But she never did burst, Diane wouldn’t allow that, no matter how absolutely packed she would feed Jenny. She knew the mouse loved it. Knew she loved the teasing. The gentle strokes across her taut, red, throbbing stomach. The touch of the rabbit’s perfect nails sending a thrilling, tingling sensation down Jenny’s spine.

“You’re going to pop,” Diane had whispered in her ear one of those nights, mouth so close Jenny could hear nothing else.

The mouse had mumbled and groaned, clutching delicately at her overstuffed stomach as though the slightest touch might be enough to detonate her.

“And you did it to yourself,” The rabbit had purred. “Eating every donut I offered until your fat gut had inflated so much it could inflate no more. Did you even know? Did you care? As you ate donut after donut, watching the swollen dome of your stomach grow and grow? You destroyed yourself with each bite, each swallow. Stretching and ruining that beautiful mouse body of yours.”

Jenny had known Diane well enough by now to know when the rabbit was teasing her, but that night she felt very much like she deserved it. Like she was a waterballoon ready to pop, and like she had done it to herself. Her own gluttony leaving her groaning, panting and beached around her massive, red tinted stomach.

“Do you know what you’re doing to your poor body? Hmm?” Diane’s fingers traced across that swollen boulder of her stomach, nails raking gently across sensitive skin beneath fur that had stretched sparse. “Do you think your stomach will ever shrink back to the size it was? Or will it be permanently stretched, a forever bloated organ craving to be as full always, as it was tonight?” Jenny couldn’t help but shudder and squirm. She had orgasmed before during these sessions and she would orgasm again, at the thought of being forever a slave to her own gluttony.

Then there were other nights.

Nights when the work week had been just a little bit too much. Jenny would occupy Diane’s couch nearly completely with her girth (more, after her stuffing nights) and Diane would find somewhere soft to wedge herself while the pair watched movies. The rabbit’s body was tiny in comparison to Jenny’s, but no matter how much of the couch the mouse filled she always seemed to find somewhere comfortable - whether she was perched atop Jenny’s stomach or wedged between the mouse’s girth and the edge of the sofa. Of course, there were still things to nibble on then, and not just donuts. Burgers, Chinese, thanks to Diane’s lucrative work cheque the pair could afford take-out across the spectrum. But Jenny thought she liked it most when they shared popcorn from the same bucket. Her chubby, butter smeared fingers would fight with Diane’s for space in the top of the bucket and the sound of crunching popcorn would kill the suspense of even the scariest of horror movie. The pair would make jokes about the character’s bad decisions and the night would devolve into a mess of cackling laughter.

And now Diane was looking at her. Her smile had turned into a grin and her hand had wrapped around Jenny’s collar. The length of fabric still brought a blush to her cheeks but over the weeks she had very much gotten used to it. It was a bond between Diane and Jenny that she didn’t fully understand yet, but certainly went both ways. The morbidly obese mouse was not above tugging at it when she was hungry, after all. Diane pulled the length taut, not pulling at Jenny, simply ensuring there was no give as she grinned at the mouse. Jenny grinned back.

Then, coiling the lead around her hand, Diane leaned in while drawing Jenny ever so slightly closer. Her petite feet made the distance between them quickly while she made sure the lead in her hand was kept taut. Jenny’s ears flicked and her grin widened. She wasn’t entirely sure what new game Diane was playing but she had a sneaking suspicion there would be a treat at the end of it. Already she was looking at Diane’s clothing to see if there was room for hidden donuts. Perhaps one had snuck its way into her closed hand while the mouse wasn’t looking. Before she knew it, Diane was right on top of her, leaning in against her plush chest and sinking into her blubbery stomach and her face was inches away from Jenny’s. Jenny looked confused for a second before Diane closed the last of the distance and her lips brushed against the mouse’s, a soft passing at first before the motion became something more tender. Jenny’s cheeks flushed red as she tasted the rabbit’s mouth.

No, Jenny thought. This was her favourite kind of moment. And she let her eyes flutter shut while she lost herself in the kiss. She let herself experience Diane’s warmth and tenderness, qualities she’d never known the rabbit had possessed a few months ago. Qualities now, Jenny wasn’t sure she could live without. She felt the rabbit’s hand roam up her naked body, exploring the ins and outs of her curves before alighting on her blubbery cheek. Diane’s other hand firmly held the leash. She was Diane’s. And she loved every minute of it.




Waaaaant, I will be a pet. My one thing I ask for is a fursuit of one of my characters so I can get into it.