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In today's episode, Jenny gets into her taste testing position. Really into it. 

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It was warm in the testing factory - Jenny wondered why she hadn’t noticed it earlier. The kind of warmth that dripped down her face in the form of perspiration when she wasn’t paying attention. Warm, and indeed noisy. From the ovens to the conveyors it seemed like the factory was in perpetual motion without anyone to oversee the product. Anyone but her, that was. She stood in her office uniform, dusted with sugar dust, alone on the production floor at the end of a conveyor belt. It was that belt which pushed newly made jam donuts in her direction, lightly steaming, the perfect temperature. Always there was another to replace the one she had just eaten. The only evidence at all that she had consumed the previous jam donut was the increasing amount of sugar dusting spilling down her front and collecting on her cheeks.

Three donuts, maybe four. Jenny lost count before long of the amount of fluffy, doughy jam stuffed pastry she pushed gently down her throat. The taste lingered on her tongue but it wasn’t enough - she wanted, no she needed more. The mouse had never had a better jam donut, she didn’t know they could taste this good. She didn’t know anything could taste this good. Each of the donuts were larger than a fist, she should have been full after two. Another donut was squished, crunched and swallowed with an audible gulp and her hand fell to her waist, gently bloated now with the digesting dough within. She did feel full. She felt overfull, like she should have stopped eating a few minutes ago. And yet, as though acting on its own reached towards the next donut. Before she realised what was happening her fingers had closed around it, and just as well. From a nearby bench she could see her tablet.

As part of her testing, Jenny was required to indicate what she thought of the donuts after she ate ten, again at twenty, and at fifty. One hundred. In the back of her mind she wondered how many she must have eaten by now, it must have been at least six. Her mouth was coated in sugar and little bits of jam messing up her otherwise immaculately kept fur. She pushed the next donut into her mouth, it wasn’t a trial. Even feeling full she welcomed the donut, salivated at the thought of it. The crunch of it, the mixture of sugar and dough, the gentle flavour of the jam, all swirling together in a perfect sensation. Maybe a little overeager, the mouse pushed the rest of the donut in as soon as she could, leaving her cheeks bulging while she chewed. That bulge moved down to her throat, to join her slowly expanding stomach, a growing pot belly that she barely noticed as she reached towards the next donut.


“Tester, you have reached the ten donut threshold. Please mark down your experiences.” The slightly bored voice was enough to jolt Jenny out of her bliss. She droped the donut she had been holding - ten?! No, surely she had eaten no more than seven. Maybe eight.

Unwilling to argue with whoever was watching, the mouse stumbled over to her tablet, licking her fingers free of the sugary coating they had acquired. When it came to rating her experience, it had to be 10s across the board. There was nothing she could think of that she could criticise in the donut. Not taste, not texture, not even temperature. If someone had a problem with her marking the donuts with top marks, if they thought perhaps she wasn’t suitable for her job or doubted the taste of the donuts then Jenny would set them straight in person.

Putting the tablet down, Jenny turned back to the conveyor belt. The next target was twenty donuts. Surely she would be stuffed long before then. Surely they meant for her to come back. But as she reached once more for the donut on the conveyor belt, she felt as though she could eat these treats forever. Another was pushed into her mouth, then another. She reached for a third, a fourth, lost beneath the steady supply of donuts and the haze of bliss that came with them. Other sensations were lost too, the stretching of her stomach, the way uncomfortable fullness turned to a gentle throbbing pain. The tightening of her work uniform as holes of fur became visible between the buttons of her shirt and the cool breeze on her slowly reddening stomach. None of this mattered, none at all compared to the taste of the donuts on her tongue and the need, the nearly burning desire to consume the next.


“Tester, you have reached the twenty donut threshold. Please mark down your experiences.” Jenny blinked, pulled back into reality. Suddenly she felt two competing sensations, she felt heavy and full. Painfully full, stretched full. Cupping her gut with both hands she looked down to see herself appear as though she were pregnant and looking absolutely massive. Heavy too, she felt so, so very heavy, like she could fall down at the slightest provocation. Something she definitely didn’t want to do - she might burst if she fell on a stomach as engorged as she was. And yet, a blush tinting her cheeks she realised there was another feeling lurking under the sudden pain and tightness. The desire for more. To eat until she puked or burst.

Waddling back to her tablet, Jenny didn’t even bother licking the sugar off her fingers this time. She felt so full that one more swallow of anything, even so trivial as sugar might just be too much. She had had enough for today.

For today.




Sounds like a dream job :3


Honestly agreed - quotas might be a bit tough but hey that's what you get the big bucks for u3u


Loving this so far

Smallergod (edited)

Comment edits

2022-12-30 20:23:58 Eeee, so glad to hear it <3
2022-11-29 14:18:31 Eeee, so glad to hear it <3

Eeee, so glad to hear it <3