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For Where Are They Now we have a follow up on the Dungeons and Drive-Thrus series! 

Read the rest here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/14449330

Hope you enjoy <3

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Pump. Pump. Pump.

Jenny was used to the sound of the heavy cream pump inserted in her rear, constantly filling her up, expanding her. Even now that she was the size of a small room she could feel it in there, the larger model of course. It had to keep up with her stomach somehow. But it was another pumping that Jenny was listening to today, the pumping of her heart straining to circulate blood through her body. Her lungs burned with exertion and sweat trickled down her forehead. All this for what? She wondered.

Somewhere behind her Vic was fussing with cables, Jenny’s cow-kitsune girlfriend had found a foothold in the rolls on her back and was making sure all the various cords were tied together. Pretty smart honestly, things had a tendency to get absorbed by Jenny’s rolls and while she enjoyed feeling her girlfriend digging around between her sweaty, blubbery folds, Vic was getting a little too heavy to do it efficiently. Even now Jenny could feel her girlfriend sinking into her. When they’d met she was a chubby little thing, now she was so fat she could barely walk more than a few metres before breaking a sweat and climbing Jenny was a task that would knock her out for a few days.

A new headset and an expensive looking visor was lowered over Jenny’s head and the donkey, who had been straining to get the expensively tailored gloves to fit over her ballooned hands, had a moment to sit back and reflect.

The cream pump was nice, Jenny had had to admit that. She liked the feeling of expanding, stretching her big fluffy stomach and seeing it fill up before her like a water balloon. It had sounded like a water balloon before long too, constantly sloshing and gurgling whenever its contents were jostled even slightly. With her newfound addiction forming, it wasn’t long before Jenny lost all mobility for good. Her stomach had been far too big and far too heavy to walk around with after the first tabletop session that Vic had brought out the pump for. After it had digested she was able to do some moving but by the time the next tabletop session was over even that slim prospect slipped between her sausage fingers. The cream and fat that settled with her saw her beached on her massive ass cheeks, unable to muster the strength to get up even with Vic’s groaning, panting help. Jenny wasn’t willing to give up her new passion for inflating and so the pair of them adapted. Vic pulled out a nice big mattress and some pillows and Jenny? Well she would slowly grow to cover them.

While Jenny’s diet wasn’t restricted to cream by any means, and her cowsune girlfriend delighted in stuffing her with pizza and other cheap junk food until her stomach took on an angry red sheen, stuffed beyond all semblance of normalcy, the simple fact was that Jenny no longer had to eat food. Not really. All her vitamins and minerals were sorted into the cream that kept her a balloon almost 24 hours a day. That left a lot of food that the couple were used to buying and only one mouth to eat it. If Jenny were a balloon in the literal sense, Vic seemed to be one in the metaphorical. Sure she had grown fat during their tabletop campaign but that was nothing compared to what happened when she finally let loose. Her stomach, once reaching down to her knees, positively exploded forward. It grew by inches every day as the cowsune kept it ever stuffed full of the food that would have otherwise gone into Jenny’s ravenous maw. It was a massive, gurgling ball of food and fat that hung around her, stuffed to capacity at all hours. It defied her clothes - even her largest shirts barely covered it at first and sooner than later she stopped caring to try altogether.

Vic showed up to work one day, her stomach pushing out several feet in front of her, wearing a shirt that barely covered her breasts. Before she was halfway through cleaning out the breakroom snacks - well that was the day she was told she should start working from home. Her employer had a few other words for her as well but luckily the engineering work she did was mostly done on computer as it was, so it would be hard to fire her without inviting a lawsuit. That was the day Vic bought herself a new home office in front of her ever growing girlfriend and Jenny got her own front row tickets to Vic’s own growth.

“That should do it.” Her voice was hoarse, of course it was, she’d been climbing around Jenny’s back and that was work for a much more in shape cowsune. Jenny couldn’t see anything, but she felt her girlfriend slide onto the ground and she heard the loud thud of impact. She didn’t need to see Vic anyway, she could imagine it well enough. The cowsune was well over 800lbs now, her stomach so large it brushed the floor when she moved. Stuffed, too, it was a constant obstacle that needed to be manoeuvred around, whether she was trying to lean over it to get to her keyboard and stuff it through the doorways which had become far too narrow for the growing cowsune. Of course, her stomach wasn’t the only thing that grew. At home she went naked, allowing her massive tits to flop either side of that colossal gut. Her hips had ballooned outwards to support her bloated asscheeks, which swayed whenever she waddled anywhere.

Jenny didn’t reply - she could muster up the voice to if she wanted, but between her panting and sweating she didn’t really feel like it and she knew Vic would understand. Being as big as her was an exercise in constant effort, even if that effort was simply to breathe.

Pump. Pump. Pump.

She felt it. Not the blood pumping through her ears but the heavy cream working its way up her intestines. She felt her stomach expand, just a little more, as it always did. Jenny wondered if there would ever be a limit, either to what they could afford or to her capacity. She wondered if she would always be growing, getting fatter and fatter. They would need a bigger living room, the one they were in was already dominated by her figure. She could recall a time when she could move her arms without working up a sweat, now even bending her fingers seemed difficult.

“Switching it on!” Vic called from somewhere bellow.

Light filled Jenny’s visor, making her wince for a moment before the virtual room loaded in before her. This was supposed to be one of the more high end rigs, which was important since it was all the mobility that Jenny was going to get for a while. Panting, she looked around herself, spinning her avatar in place. Vic had bought something that looked a little like she did, minus several thousand pounds. “It’s so real!” She mumbled through her cheeks in between breaths.

Vic giggled, watching Jenny’s progress from her laptop below. One by one each of her friends logged into the digital space, each sporting more interesting avatars than the one before. Of course, each of them had gained a significant amount of weight as well during their tabletop adventures, some wearing it on their jiggling, wobbling avatars, some not. Before long Jenny was wondering if she could get one that would make her look like the Skull Slime Queen. But more importantly, when Vic got her rig on, her and her friends were all standing around a familiar table. Even her old DM screen was there. She looked around at everyone and her virtual avatar smiled.

It was good to be back.




Ooo, I'm glad you wrote an epilogue for this series! I kinda tuned out of it for a bit, as it wasn't hitting my personal favorite themes, but that meant I missed out on the wonderful finale with the pump! I enjoyed taking a peek at it and I wouldn't have looked if not for this wonderful epilogue! Good stuff! Now we're just missing a pic of Vic in the background, completely stuffed with food and taut! I love your stories when they get to stuffing people's stomachs past capacity!


Oh this is super sweet!