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Written and illustrated by me, edited by Firefox 

The finale for this sequence, I hope you all enjoyed it! Lemme know what you think, as our protagonist finally leans into everything she's become, and the sizes she's yet to reach~

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Jenny grunted a little bit. It was an effort to lift her massive arms enough to wipe sweat from her brow but she still did it when she became uncomfortable enough.

“Are you -huff-, are you sure we have to do it like -pant- this?” Her voice was thick like honey dripping from a spoon, muffled by the rolls of fat that had long since enveloped her chest.

“Now now,” Vic said, her grin almost predatory. “You agreed to it, you said yourself, ‘I just can’t fill myself up anymore, Vic!’”

Under an arm, the cow-kitsune hybrid held a heavy looking bit of tubing that looked like it would be more at home in an industrial setting than their apartment. In their time together Vic had fattened up considerably, the cowsune’s waddle now wide, her gut hanging past her knees. She had seemed out of breath from time to time but it became obvious that her work kept her muscle mass intact.

“Y-yeah but-”

“And you said you were hungry and it was distracting you.”

“Yeah but-”

The tubing brushed up against the side of her massive stomach and a shiver ran down the donkey’s spine.

“You can say no at any time.” Vic whispered as she padded past, dragging the tubing along behind her.

The donkey sitting in the middle of the dining room floor did not say no. Truth be told, the whole idea made her feel light headed and brought a fire to parts of her she had no hope of reaching. She sat in the middle of the dining room, less of a person and more of a fixture. Her massive ass cheeks would take the space of an entire couch if any could withstand her weight. Her gut now spread out in front of her, as wide as she was tall. Her body seemed to slope away from her like a mountain of blubber, with her buried in the centre. She could still move, when she and Vic really put their minds to it. She could push her massive gut across the ground, battling it for every inch of momentum. But that would all come to an end tonight. The thought sent butterflies tumbling around in the considerable expanse of her stomach.

Vic knelt down behind the donkey, pulling down the tattered remains of her pants-now-shorts over the twin-globes of her ass cheeks. They continued to wobble long after she pulled her paws away and gripped that long, two inch wide tube she had been carrying; the one that had elicited so much excitement in the donkey. With a grin and a little shiver shooting through her body, Vic pushed the end of that tube between Jenny’s furred cheeks and into the donkey herself, eliciting a startled ‘haw!’.

“Whoops, should’ve warned you.” Vic said, pushing the tube further in to secure it.

Jenny’s cheeks burned brightly as she squirmed as much as her roughly half-ton of of blubber would allow. There was no way she would be able to reach back there to get that tube out herself. Once it was on, she would be at the mercy of her cow-kitsune girlfriend, and that thought excited her more than it had any right to. Cheek scrunching into neck-fat, she traced what she could see of the tubing to a massive machine that now completely dominated the living room. It had taken them both everything they had in savings, but the refrigerated, cream-filled tank had been an exciting purchase which neither regretted.

“B-but—” The donkey stifled a groan as the tube that had pushed so firmly up her butt began to settle. “Are you sure... there’s... -huff- there’s no going back?”

The question of Jenny’s mobility would be settled tonight as soon as Vic flipped the switch on that tank. Could she bring herself to ask Vic to stop the flow once it was on? They had already decided, rather playfully, that Vic should be in control of the tank. Jenny was her project after all. Her pet. Her toy. Her butterball to do with what she pleased. The thought ignited another needy flame between her legs.

“Why, my pet, that’s the point.” Vic replied, the cowsune grinning as she crossed to the lounge and flipped the switch on the pump. Instantly, the sound of whirring filled Jenny’s ears and the cool sensation of thick, heavy cream pushed under her tail.

- - -


Setting up the game was a little bit of a challenge. Jenny arranged her DM screen just beyond her breasts, propping them up against her slowly filling stomach. It was an ever shifting landscape that lurched and grew with every slosh, every pump.


For the hundredth time the donkey bit her lip and suppressed a needy little haw as another gush of cool, thick, heavy cream pushed past her stretched pucker. If she focused hard enough, she thought she could feel the cream being pushed through her intestines and into that big, heavy boulder that her stomach was becoming. Where before it had pushed her legs apart, reaching down to her ankles as she sat, immobilised by her own fat on the floor, now it started to creep out past her legs. Her gut sloped over her ankles and pushed out in front of her, a slowly filling waterbed that jiggled and sloshed with every...


There was no way Jenny could move now. Even if Vic and the rest of her friends got behind her to haul her massive ass off the floor, her gut was a huge globe that would push at her chest and anchor her firmly to the ground, as wide around as she was tall. She felt like the rest of her already massive body was growing as well. Her gigantic ass cheeks, which could fill a couch before, felt like they could swallow one now. It wasn’t exactly an exaggeration. The donkey was practically inflating with cream and her stomach was certainly not the only thing affected.


Jenny’s feet, where they could be seen making indents against the sides of her stomach, were the only petite things about her. From her ankles up, her legs ballooned outwards and spread across the ground, large cones of fat that lead directly up to her hips and asscheeks, perhaps her second biggest assets compared to her stomach. The donkey shifted, and a little moan escaped her as the cream in her stomach shifted with her, gallons and gallons of the stuff sloshing around her insides.


Another muffled haw interrupted the busy work of finalising the details of her campaign. It was the last session, everything had to be perfect. She scribbled out some notes in her book and shivered with pleasure at the way it pushed into her sloshing, glorping stomach. The donkey’s breasts may not have ballooned in size but her arms were not spared the massive weight gain, and each shoulder felt like a pillow stuffed up against the roll of fat that covered her neck. Her arms had become so fat she had trouble bending them, a problem that was extending to her fingers, swollen little sausages that struggled to adequately grip her pencil.



Becoming lost in what was becoming of her body, the knocking at the door broke Jenny from her thoughts. Clearing her throat, and without any thought, the donkey called, “Come in!”

One by one her friends shuffled in, and each of them brought startled looks with the bags of take out they were carrying. Katie, the mouse who had at the start of this been merely chubby, had now ballooned into a butterball of a girl whose arms were perpetually held up by her boulder of a stomach. She looked at Jenny, blushed, mumbled some greetings and quickly looked away. If she had grown fat, Bel was even worse - the gecko was a short creature and what had been a large stomach only grew until she needed a little wheelbarrow to scoot it around in front of her. Thankfully though cramped, the wheelbarrow still had room for fast food bags in it. She saw Jenny and gave a little grin. Loretta the raven walked in behind - while she had grown, her weight had more or less stabilised. The massive bird struggled with the doorway and stopped dead in her tracks when she saw Jenny. They all more or less did, the donkey was a sight to behold. Sat square in the middle of the dining room, she was a slowly inflating waterbed of cream and blubber. Each set of eyes traced the heavy looking hose from the tank in the corner of the living room all the way to the donkey.

“So when you asked about consent to try out your new toy,” Bel coyly remarked, “I had assumed it would be a remote controlled vibrator or, you know, something less industrial.” She patted the handle of her wheelbarrow and added, “Not that I’m one to talk.”

Jenny was blushing furiously. She knew this would happen, that all her friends would arrive and see her like this - see her inflating! Even still, it was a lot for her to process now that it was really happening. They must think her insane. But the pleasure of it all kept her mouth clamped shut. She could tell them to turn it off. She could. But could she really?

“C-come in, make yourselves c-comfortable...” the donkey stammered instead. Somehow the thought of them watching, knowing, made it that much hotter and once again she squirmed beneath her own wobbling mass.

“Wh-where are we going to set up?” Katie asked, looking around. The usual table where they sat was gone.

“Right here.”

At that moment Vic waddled in from the kitchen, she was balancing two metal platters filled with meats and potatoes which she set down on Jenny’s stomach like it was a table. The surface of the donkey’s gut even shifted to accommodate the even spread of weight, like an actual waterbed. Jenny’s blush only deepened as the cowsune patted her on the head on the way back to the kitchen for the rest of the platters.

Her friends paused for a moment before nodding, it made sense. Jenny was too big for any conventional table and her stomach was nice and warm. It wouldn’t make the most stable of surfaces for dungeons and dragons but their battle map was on a nice sturdy wooden plate that would take the jostling and wobbling of Jenny’s stomach. She squirmed once again as they all took their places alongside their new ‘table’, tucking their legs under their stomachs which all pressed against the side of hers. Before anyone unpacked their character sheets though, they set down their take out, a massive feast from the various restaurants in town that would be augmented by the home cooked foods Vic was still bringing out.

“I um… I guess this means you don’t have to worry about leftovers anymore,” Loretta bashfully stated, smiling, clearly trying not to stare too much. “Right?”

“Yeah... I mean no, but—” Jenny trailed off. She had to really think that over, because even as the pump pushed another few wave of cream into her stomach, she felt like she could eat a little something. “Hmm~”

- - -

Maybe eating had been a mistake. Jenny was thankful that the session was nearly done, she didn’t know how much more she could handle. Her stomach had been tightening around its massive load for a while now, filling out, filling up. It pressed heavily against her friends and rose upwards, forcing them to stand at times to make their moves, or else push down on its surface to reach their pieces.

Jenny’s face was just a little green. With every pump she could imagine a little of the cream wanted to come back up her throat. The smell of delicious fried chicken taunted her nose, but she wouldn’t have any of it. She was stuffed to the gills already and still growing.

“-urp- al-alright Bel... what’s your move?”

Bellamy the wise had been turned into a Skull Slime a few sessions prior - she retained all her knowledge and skills and joined the party in the final confrontation. Which, it turned out, was rather more peaceful than Jenny had expected. The Big Bad fight was supposed to be the Skull Slime Queen but since Bellamy’s unusual conversion the party gained more and more insight and began to take pity on the massive dragon slime. Instead, the party teamed up with the slime to take on the wizard who had started everything by betraying and discarding the Slime Queen in the first place.

Tokaka, Soltinn and Lo’renz, the other characters in the party all gained their share of experience and artefacts from the wizards tower, and when the chance came to reverse Bellamy’s condition the slime girl refused, stating an interest in exploring her new body for a while. Secretly, Jenny couldn’t blame her. Who wouldn’t want to be big and gelatinous? Her stomach shifted and gurgled before her, and she stifled a belch.

“Thank you for the game!”

The party was getting to their feet and dusting the crumbs and stains from their dinner. Jenny instinctively tried to get up before remembering that she was way too fat to even reach the floor with one of her arms. Both were perched comfortably on the rising sides of her stomach. Her friends all stood around, exchanging pleasant conversation as they would before leaving. Loretta seemed to be looking at Jenny, but the donkey couldn’t figure out what her expression was.

“Hey Loretta, what’s up?” She asked, before stifling another groan as a pump of cream pushed into her. She would definitely ask Vic to turn off the pump when everyone was gone. Or maybe - well not right afterwards.

The bird smiled at her. “I was just thinking,” she said, looking over the donkey’s massive gut. It was tall enough that it came up to her chest and Loretta was not a short person. There was no way they were going to be able to use it as a table for the next session. “Um… Next campaign… we might have to bring our laptops.”

As her friends shuffled out, Vic looked back at her, closing the door with a bump of her hips. The cowsune had a sultry sway of her hips as she walked towards her immobile blob of a dungeon master.

“Aren’t you glad you didn’t say no?”




An amazing series. But, all good things end at some point. Can’t wait for the next series.

Smallergod (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-11 03:22:41 Hee, thank you so much! And thank you for commenting! Always brightens my day <3
2022-05-25 04:25:11 Hee, thank you so much! And thank you for commenting! Always brightens my day <3

Hee, thank you so much! And thank you for commenting! Always brightens my day <3