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A big problem that content creators have had with Patreon since

its inception is the ability to subscribe to a monthly campaign and then remove

that subscription before being charged on the first of the month. This enabled

a kind of fake support, sometimes even pushing the amount pledged $50 higher,

only to never actually contribute.

Whilst not a huge issue in and of itself, it gave less

incentive for others to support a monthly campaign and devalued what they DID

contribute, by making it such that others received the same stuff for free.

Patreon’s just come out with Charge Upfront. This means NO

new changes to existing patrons. What it does mean is that new patrons

attempting to pledge will be charged up front for their first month, and will

not be able to access patreon exclusive content without having actually become

a patron, if that makes sense. It seems like great news all around and I’m glad

to see it finally active!

I’d love to see you shoot me your thoughts on the matter,


Also, I’ll be uploading the next part of FOBoJ tonight, so

looking forward to that ^u^



I'm a big fan of the change :D It seemed kind of weird that it didn't always work that way, but I'm sure there's a lot of externalities I don't know about :p


I encourage all artists to make this change. It is only fair and it makes sense.