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Bel belongs to Paris

Loretta belongs to Firefox

Katie belongs to Kagira

Vic belongs to VictorTheMaker

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The doorbell had rung, a lazy chime that could be heard through the house. Dinner was pizza, Jenny’s mom didn’t feel like cooking. Sometimes Jenny cooked, sometimes her mother did, sometimes they got take out. Jenny hadn’t cooked a lot lately.

“Could you get it?” Her mom’s voice echoed from the living room, Jenny could hear the sound of some soap opera or another playing on the TV.

“No prob!” The donkey called back before she paused her computer game and rolled back in her office chair. Calling it an office chair was a bit of a stretch, most offices didn’t need to cater to people upwards of four hundred pounds and Jenny was certainly that. The chair squealed and groaned beneath her as she braced herself on armrests that clung to the sides of her fat stomach and pulled herself forward. She relied more on forward momentum than she did muscle power to get up as there was very little in muscle power to speak of, the donkey heaving and groaning as her face flushed with exertion. A few staggering steps forward and Jenny found her balance, tugged her shirt down over her stomach and started the arduous waddle towards the door.

Pizza was an excuse to go big, if ever there was one. Cheap enough that ordering a half dozen boxes didn’t break the wallet and tasty enough that you still wanted to eat it after a few days in the fridge. The delivery drivers always showed up at their door with a stack piled high and ready to fall, balanced between multiple bags of steaming hot sides. Tonight was no exception. As Jenny opened the door she met with a delivery girl a couple of years younger than her, struggling between balancing the food she had in her arms and starting to put some of it down. Jenny herself was panting with exertion, red faced by the time she’d made it to the door, she leaned against its frame, stomach smothering the edge of it and watched helplessly as the girl stared back. Between the two of them it was a few seconds before anything was done and a few moments more before Jenny could find it within her to stop leaning on the door frame. Moving lately had been so consuming, both in time and energy. She felt like she was weighed down, constantly fighting gravity to get anywhere.

Well and truly after the silence had become a little awkward, the donkey managed to break from the doorway and accept the food. In this at least she was a bit of a pro - pizza boxes were balanced skillfully on her arms which held up the bags of sides as she trotted backwards and closed the door with her leg. She waddled and huffed her way to the kitchen and the boxes spread out all around her, each popped open to reveal a large pizza positively loaded with sides.

As the donkey grabbed a plate and started picking up slices her mom called thanks from the lounge room. She tried to reply but without much left in her lungs the effort was too much, but she hoped that her mom heard the somewhat positive grunt as she piled enough slices on her plate to make up an entire pizza and then some. Tucking a large bottle of soda under one arm she panted and huffed back to her room where her bed was spread out invitingly in front of her TV, large enough for her to get some well deserved relaxing and eating done all at once.

Jenny’s room was a miasma of different posters taped across the walls - some already peeling off as their sticky tape weakened while others were fresh and new. Most of the posters were pin-ups of video game characters from franchises she enjoyed with a smattering of game landscapes thrown in for good measure. She tucked her plate on her bedside table and began the process of lowering herself onto the bed. A few sharp cracks and creaks had given the donkey enough insight to know that throwing herself on her bed as she used to would result in the frame being broken and she didn’t have enough to afford a new one. Beds were kind of crazy expensive? So she planted her hands either side of her ass (which touched the bed long before her hands did) and slowly lowered herself down. It was excruciatingly slow, made worse by the fact that she fought gravity every second of the way.

Settling in, she scooched back far enough that her legs could still touch the ground but didn’t have to and once again Jenny adjusted her shirt where it had ridden back up over her stomach. Perhaps it was that motion, repeated for the umpteenth time that day, or maybe her reflection in the TV screen that had yet to be turned on, but a thought occurred to Jenny at that moment.

“Wait a second...” she mumbled, eyebrows drawn together. “Am I fat?!”




No, she's just very soft. And heavy . And fat. Really cute draw ❤️ Love the imagery of her sitting on her bed!


Very cuddly ❤️ You're welcome! Keep up the great work ^^