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A student at a magical academy kicks a fit at the injustice of the cafeteria prices and finds out for herself, the consequences of the school's rules against conjuring magical food~ 

Contains magic, nuggies, weight gain, CONSEQUENCES, gas and general hotness!

This story brought to us by the wonderful Rabidbadger, featuring my character Jenny! I loved it to bits, and I'm sure you will too <3

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The door to the room near flew off its hinges when it was kicked from the outside. This was not the door of a bar or some other place prone to being kicked at regularly, it was the door of a student's chambers in a school of the arcane. That, at least, did make repairing any damage done in the process a bit less of a problem. Jenny respected that, it let her vent by doing things like this and not have to worry about paying the school for the damages. A good thing given that the mouse's funds were bone dry, and therein lay the other problem.

“Dammit! This is the dumbest thing! Why does the kitchen need money from us when we have to give all of our things to the school in the first place?!”

Jenny didn't use her feet to close the door, she shoved it with sheer arcane fury. This time the thing splintered around the hinges and ended up resting at an odd, cracked angle where it sat in the frame. Jammed, for sure, and in need of at least an hour of mending magic. The mouse didn't much care though, she felt better for having done it – but she was still hungry.

“I do not. Get. It. Do they want us to steal? Or... or sell things...? ARGH!”

A ferocious snarling in her stomach left Jenny feeling light-headed. Enough that she had to walk up to her bed and sit on the edge of it. There wasn't much else in the chamber, just books everywhere and a few pouches and boxes of reagents, and one window that seemed to overlook a part of the castle school that should've been impossible based on where the room seemed to be in the hallways. Weirder still, every single student seemed to have the same window, and it seemed to be quite real. They could look outside, the weather was right, anything they dropped landed in the right place outside of the room – but all of them had the same window and none of them ever saw one another through it.

One more piece of inexplicable and probably pointless complexity for the place. Jenny kept fuming and her belly kept rumbling as she got to doing what few things she could to calm down. Peeling her robes off was a good start, prestidigitating them and herself clean was another. Those she had a lot of practice with. Cleaning things was a good, pragmatic bit of magic even if it was on the simple side. It offered a lot of comfort for a little effort. The follow up on the other hand was more complicated, but something Jenny felt was equally important. It took a good three minutes of steady chanting and focus to cool the room off, but the mouse was entirely fed up with the hot months and their humid, sticky, bug-ridden shit.

“And that stupid ban! It's a racket, it has to be.”

Her stomach growling once more, Jenny hurled the nearest thing she could get her hand on, one of her pillows, across the room. It nearly flew out the window on her, only saved by a last minute kinetic push making it veer off into the corner.

“Do any damn thing you want with magic except make food with it. Oh and by the way you have to pay for food but you have no money. What the fuck even is that about?! I just want some chicken! Or... or pie! Or a chicken pie. Dammit I would love a chicken pie.”

Yanking her pillow back over to her with another kinetic tug, Jenny caught the thing and screamed into it. Something meant to soften her anger and get her mood back under control. It didn't really work. Even after she got two more good hollers into it out she still felt furious. Which was probably because she was hungry, really. Hangry, even. The mouse smoldered and stared upward, building to a crescendo of shattered and obliterated fucks to be given. Until, all at once, it burst outward as a spell. One she hadn't really been aware she was casting, one borne of all her famished fury and the talents she'd been learning in her studies here.


It was some mercy that magic tended to latch on to intuition with any reasonably proficient user. Spells were something that was felt as much as studies and performed by rote, so when Jenny cast her spell and utterly failed to control the magnitude of it once she realized it was happening she did at least have the mercy of the spell not deciding it was going to have to define what part of a chicken the 'nugget' is on the fly. Jenny got what she expected, for the most part. She'd had a box of them envisioned, or maybe a bucket.

The mouse was not prepared for the inside of her chambers to start raining chicken nuggets on her. But then, she wasn't complaining either. Mostly she was stunned, at least for the first few seconds. After that she had to busy herself with getting under her bed covers to take shelter against her own conjuration. It wasn't exactly like the nuggets hurt (though they were piping hot), but they kept hitting her in the face and that wasn't exactly desirable.
They were supposed to be in her face. Jenny got under the covers and, from within the safety of her fort, began gathering up what she could reach while the spell went on. There was possibly some risk still, she had no idea how long the spell would last. Maybe with her door broken she'd end up smothered and drowned in chicken nuggets in an hour or two, or have to be the first student to try jumping out of their strange non-euclidean window.

“Hell with it. Hell with them. If that happens I'll eat my way out...”

Covered in a blanket, Jenny began a rampage. A little snuffling rampage around her floor, eating her way through a steadily building pile of crispy gold treats. Jenny looked like a weird caterpillar if one were looking from above, chewing through everything in their path in preparation for becoming a butterfly once they'd eaten enough. That was hardly literal though, under the blanket there was just a mouse with extremely full cheeks who was still picking up chicken by the handful and had started to consider whether she ought to have tried to conjure sauce to go with them. That seemed like it might be messier than was worth it though – something to do later, when less emotional.

“Stupidest... rule.”

The first hints of something being off came after Jenny had been shoveling food into her face for a good fifteen minutes, not that she was timing herself. The spell was starting to ease off a bit and she was feeling sated. Mostly. It didn't seem to last all that long. Jenny got herself feeling good and full and then a twist and a snarl in her belly would loudly interrupt her thoughts and she'd feel hungry again, but just a little. Just enough. Enough that, after growing a little annoyed with it again and with the idea of having to scour her entire room for all the nuggies, the mouse came up with a better idea. She shuffled back to her bed and, with the air in the room being quiet now that the nuggie storm had run its course, began to work on another spell. A simpler one this time, just a quick fetch – not unlike when she saved her pillow from flying out the window. Only it was a little more sustained this time, marginally more complicated, it took just the barest of incantations. Luckily this one was an old spell, archived from ages ago, guaranteed to work just one specific way.

“Higitus Figitus Zumbabazing – I want your attention everything!”

Jenny watched, satisfied, as the entire room's contents twisted to point in her general direction. Books shifted, furniture tilted, all her personal effects including the skull shaped ink pot looked right at her. And the nuggies, they listened too.

“I want that chicken in me. Now. Nice orderly line, right to my face.”

Luckily everything else in the room seemed to accept that, going back to a 'resting' state that Jenny made herself not associate with being disappointed. The chicken though, that stuff was ready and raring to go. It just needed the rest of the inctation.

“Hockety. Pockety. Wockety. Wack. Abracabra dabra nack.”

All the nuggies jolted into the air en masse, forming an orderly line and bouncing rowdily up and down as if they wanted desperately to fight to get further ahead in line. Only when they were in the air, snaking around, did Jenny get a real sense for just how many of them there were. Which might have been a problem if the spell didn't account for that kind of thing by its natural processes.

“Shrink in size! Very small! We've got to save enough room for all!”

Jenny just about got through the followup of 'Higitus Figitus Migitus Mum' but the final word turned to an 'mmph' as the food hit her. The nuggies were smaller now, though technically they hadn't lost any density. They just entered her mouth the size of peanuts instead of at their old dimensions and made it an awful lot easier for Jenny to imagine getting the whole lot of them into her body. Jenny leaned back, planning idly to clean up the grease from the nuggies after she was finished with her meal, rubbing at the taut and swollen dome of her belly.

Every few seconds Jenny felt a churning inside and the pressure in her belly lessened a bit. Just the stuff inside, though. The more times that cycle ran through itself with the spell assisting the mouse's gluttony the more a tight pressure started to form outside. The kind that made clothing cling tight and seams pop one thread at a time. Jenny's eyes opened wide as she looked down at herself, thicker – visibly thicker just about everywhere. There wasn't just a muffin-top on her belly now, she was fat. An inch or two of pudge just about everywhere on her body.

“Wh-HWURPHHHBT- at the h- WRPHHHBBBT- heck!? C-come o-Hwurphbh- on!”

Frustration and maybe a little panic built up in the mouse. It was hard talking, the instant she opened her mouth floods of chicken saturated fumes bubbled out of her and every second she spent talking she wasn't eating. That, in turn, made the nuggies pile up as they started to cluster and rub around her muzzle looking for a way in. Jenny had to swat at a few of them and then work double time to catch up on the pace of eating to clear some room. Doing that gave her a little time to survey the damage to herself though, to peel apart the already damaged seams on her robe and make it stop pinching her so much. A few choice tears and she could breathe easier, and had more room for food what with the lack of constraints around her belly. Jenny just had to hope nobody tried to get in now, or flew past the window.

A little over halfway through her 'meal', Jenny felt the churning take a turn for the intense. She'd been feeling stuffed to the brim for a while but something in her reached a point of criticality. Something that started as a knot of magic in her stomach and spread outward as it started to fray at its edges. It let little strands peel off itself and weave through the rest of her, entering her nerves and her muscle and bone, creeping through every bit of mouse it could find. They would seep in and take root, then trace their way back to the source at the mouse's core. Jenny couldn't seem to arrest the spread of it either, though she was hard pressed to even try what with not being able to speak clearly right now. Not with all the belching and the non-stop feeding going on. She tried to wave off the nuggies once or twice to make a real attempt at canceling the spell but it went nowhere.

Unlike her waistline, that was traveling. Jenny did at least feel like its momentum wasn't an infinite thing, there was an end somewhere in sight, but it was staggered. Things were still working their way through her system and having an effect as they did so. The same effect – all over. Jenny tried a couple of times to get up and maybe from there she'd have tried to physically block access to herself from the spell but the attempts didn't work. Given how heavy she was getting and how quickly it was happening the mouse wasn't used to the weight, so the attempt ended in collapsing onto her plum, beach ball sized buttocks and her whole frame jiggling quietly.

Shortly afterward Jenny just let herself fall onto her back as an act of quiet surrender. The rest of her kept busy while she lay there – her jaw working overtime to feed her face, and the rest of her creeping slowly outward like some kind of tiny volcanic eruption of flab. There were bits of it she could keep track of, mostly thanks to tactile sense. Jenny felt when her thighs pressed together and spread her legs further apart, she felt it when her belly started forming rolls at her waist and flowed over her crotch as well, and when her arms got so thick they pressed against her sides. These things she couldn't ignore, and it was hard to miss the sight of her throbbing and gurgling belly rising over her like a flabby horizon too.

The spells did eventually run out of steam. Jenny felt the buildup in her system settle and her body stop expanding in every direction at once, though that happened before the feeding ceased. Something in her had acclimated to the process and stopped cycling endlessly through more and more food. She started to actually feel properly full at long last, and the onslaught of chicken took notice and ebbed. How long precisely had passed before she was left a panting, naked, wobbling heap of rodent Jenny did not know. Nor did she particularly, she could finally catch her breath. Maybe. Probably.

“Fuuu- bwurphhb- uck. What the heck even ha- HWURPHBH- appened? I – heck I just cannot seem to s- BURPHHHBBT- stop...”

Jenny's eyes went wide. A little globe of light appeared overhead, white in color, leaking little particles off itself. A scrying sensor – one that wasn't active yet. If it was active it would turn green and then go-


“Aw cr- HWURRPH-ap.”

Student Jennifer 'Whiptail' Haughss?

Instead of answering properly Jenny just let out a long, frustrated groan – and a bellowing FWURPMPBBT that preceded her reaching up to her bed to grab a pillow and cover her face with it.

I'll accept that as confirmation. The administrative diviners have noted the use of a forbidden configuration of magic. We then waited until it had run its course and now, consistent with university guidelines, we are contacting you to assess the situation.

“Greeeaaat. So you waited until the damage was do- Hwurphhbt, done and now it's punishment time? F- HWURPHB, fan.. tastic.”

Disgusted as much with herself as with the faculty, Jenny went back to covering up.

We cannot transmit into an active magic zone like that lest we risk making something worse. We don't want someone manifesting inside of and merging with a nugget cloud. Again.

Only for the mouse to flop her hands to her sides and smack the pillow into the ground – and set her body jiggling in place while her belly roiled and gurgled.

“Oh bullshit! Just kick the door in or something after teleporting outside of it then! Wh- again? What do you mean a- bwurphhb- ag- FWURPHHBBT- DAMMIT!”

Jenny went right back to covering her face, kicking her little feet and causing an awful lot of random jiggling all through her body.

Teleportation would imply we ever planned to send someone there physically. We don't do that anymore, not since we determined the effects are irreversible. This contact is a courtesy to inform you of what you've done to your fat-ass self and get you as ready as possible for how your life has just permanently changed.

The next time Jenny's body spat gas out it did so as a frightened little whistle instead of the thundering outbursts of before.

“W-wait, that sounds way more ominous than you mean it to, right? R-BWUrphhbbt- r..right? Like you're just trying to spook me and-

We are not. You have just permanently altered your body chemistry to accept raw magic as fuel. Before you get too excited about this I should mention the downsides. You can't process normal food anymore, which does mean you can eat as much as you want if you can afford it – and don't mind your body vaporizing everything and blowing it out of every orifice it can find.

Jenny couldn't help the fact that the first thing she thought had indeed been 'then I get to eat anything I want', it had just happened, and now she was weighing the pros and cons of being a hideous gas bag out in public so she could indulge. Maybe she did deserve this?

You definitely do. Also you won't be losing any of that weight – ever. Your body doesn't know what to do with it anymore. It processes mana now. Which means congratulations, you're free to conjure food to your heart's content now – but yes you can get even fatter off of it so maybe don't just spend the rest of the week manifesting donuts. Please. You're a blimp as it is. In fact, maybe start with fixing your robes.

Throwing the pillow at the scrying sensor didn't really help anything, it just passed right through it and bounced off the ceiling, then landed square in the middle of Jenny's belly.

“Screw you! Holy crap you guys are callous about this. First you say this can't be fixed and then you're just rude!”

Jenny waited for the sensor to start communicating again and then threw the pillow at it once more.

We are stating facts. You weighed one hundred and twenty-six pounds this morning. You currently weigh three-hundred and forty-two. It will only go up from there. I mean, theoretically it could stay stable at that point but let's be honest. It won't.

It vexed Jenny greatly that she couldn't kill the scrying sensor and cause testicular trauma to the person on the other side by glaring at it hard enough.

Naturally you'll have to conjure food for yourself now but the school requires that you do so in private and not share anything you create. As far as social interactions and normal food? That's your problem. Either never be seen eating or get busy coping with having a foghorn between your ass cheeks. Or get creative, I guess. Your call. Faculty out.

Jenny gathered up the pillow again purely so she could stuff her face in it and scream. Something she did twice more before she stopped, grunting, kicking her feet idly. Which was all it took to set her big, jiggly body into another fit of motion. Jenny couldn't help feeling weird about that, it was kind of enjoyable. There was so much of it there and the mouse was getting a little hot and bothered as she explored just how it felt to knead and squeeze at it. To dig her fingers into the new folds she'd grown and then intentionally sway side to side to make her bulk jostle about. It felt a bit like being underwater the way it moved, flowing under her skin.

Exhaling and continually running her hands over herself, Jenny found herself thinking. There really wasn't anything stopping her from having what she wanted right now, was there? The mouse raised a hand, tracing a few sigils in the air, smirking as she saw a huge frosty milkshake appear and drift to her open hand.

“...Alright, maybe I can deal with this.”




I enjoyed the story, would love to see either a follow up image or part 2 sometime.