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OH WOW BEEN A WHILE HUH? Sorry about that. Started this before the downward mental health spiral. It's nice to pick it back up, gonna finish it this month and hopefully have some other tasty morsels for you.

Part 3 can be found here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/49257557

And if you're new to the series, it and many others are here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/14449330

Special thanks to VictorTheMaker for helping edit <3

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With a grunt Flow tried to reposition herself on her bed. Though it was little more than cushions it did nothing to help the gargantuan effort that was moving her fat swaddled body. Sometimes she thought that she would feel afloat in her own mass if only the weight of gravity weren't constantly pulling at her, making every motion an exhausting battle.

She could remember her trek to the 'restaurant', laboriously hauling herself down a busy street, avoiding the gaze of everyone who stopped to stare at her. And they were right to stare – 500 pounds of dragoness-ratkin hybrid waddling down the road with her gut hanging past her knees is enough to give anyone pause. She had long burst out of her clothes and murmurs regarding her indecency reached her ears loud enough to make her blush but she couldn't care. She couldn't see a tailor, her gold was reserved for feeding the beast that her stomach had become. An ever hungry furnace whose constant gurgling and sloshes of digestion she had become used to over the past few weeks. She remembered seeing what Lynn, the succubus whose soul had become intertwined with her own, had described as a restaurant and staring in disbelief. If it were a restaurant it wore the trappings of a temple! The front of the building was carved from grand arches with large marble pillars leading towards its brazier lit entrance. The 'waiters' of the restaurant, seeing Flow, rushed over to the dragon hybrid and their robed bodies pressed against hers as they helped take the weight off her, one under each arm, leading her into the temple proper.

“Oh Lady Weatherwind, we've been expecting you!”

“Oh yes, the mistress told us all about you, your condition. Come, come! We've all the food you can eat.”

Flow was relieved to hear there would be more food, if not a little worried about the rest of it. She couldn't question them herself however as she could barely get a word out between laboured, panting breaths. Her body was soaked with sweat and she was embarrassed enough that the two servants were pressed into her massively obese body, she wasn't going to make them wait so she could ask questions on top of it. Not that she thought they would wait, even if she asked. The pair seemed quite insistent she get 'comfortable' right away. Her addled mind turned to the talk of a 'mistress', no doubt Lynn's intervention. The succubus had ways of communicating with mortals, but what was her angle in all of this? She hadn’t had time to think about it before a passing server stuffed a massive pastry into her mouth, its buttery flavour dissolving all other thoughts but the food in front of her.

That, of course, had been nearly a week ago now. If the Flow was able to accurately keep track of the days which, she wasn't sure she could. She had been lead to the cushion platform upon which she now resided, gut spread out in front of her large enough to fill the bed of a wagon and from there she had barely moved but to relieve herself. The servants saw to it that she was fed nearly every hour of the day she was awake and they seemed to take great delight in washing her while she snored, drunk with food and wine. Thoughts of challenging her affliction seemed to be out of the question as the days rolled by and she inflated like bread rising in an oven. Every part of her body grew rounder, softer, heavier and with it she lost the motivation to challenge her situation. How could she? She could no longer walk without support and soon, she would no longer be able to walk at all. When her wings grew in, in a painful night of blood and wine, she realised that her transformation to dragoness was complete. She celebrated with another stuffing, all the food she could eat, and more.



Smallergod (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-30 18:37:27 Eeee!!! I was thinking about you when I drew this - you're gonna love the next one ;3 &lt;3
2021-08-20 14:54:31 Eeee!!! I was thinking about you when I drew this - you're gonna love the next one ;3 <3

Eeee!!! I was thinking about you when I drew this - you're gonna love the next one ;3 <3


Looks amazing so is the reading portion. Can’t wait to see the next part, and to see how big she inevitably will get