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Hey there! So this is the WIP of the coverpicture for Maple's Story. I'm in the process of getting everything in a nice, neat PDF form and I thought it would be nice to have a picture to pull it all together - what better than one of a thoroughly stuffed Maple? I've been unfortunately a little sick lately, which has delayed things, so I thought I'd post the WIP sketch, and give a little update on what's going on, and what's going to happen from here!

I've started work on the next project, which will be put to a vote soon! I just want to have a few things drawn and written up, to help people decide which they want to see pursued. As soon as I'm done with the PDF, I'll be putting my focus on that for a few weeks, which will mean more WIPs and fragments of writing <3


Starting soon, we'll have not one, but two additional writers, writing for us! Both with interesting and unique stories to be told! First installments for one of the new stories have been written already and will be illustrated and posted soon <3

So! It's lining up to be an interesting month!




Keep that up and I'll definitely donate more