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Maple looked over herself in the mirror with a critical eye and a frown pushing at her cheeks.

“Syn,” She said, taking note of the way her jowls moved. “Have I gained weight?”

Her frown only deepened when her AI and constant companion’s only response was a simple: “Yes.”

The vixen’s eyes moved over the curves of her body, each one pronounced without being exaggerated as she was, without clothing. She felt as though she could see her body swelling, blowing up with fat, albeit not as quickly as it once had. “How much?” She had the voice of someone who doesn’t really want to know and yet couldn’t help but ask.

“In the past three months you’ve gained eight point three pounds.” Syn’s almost sounded impressed. A little jolt of pleasure spiked up through her loins and Maple smiled inwardly to herself. Life had become ever so much more complicated once she’d learned that she enjoyed being on the bigger side of things. Restraint and pleasure warred over whether or not she should go for the one, last, chocolate eclair.

With a little more reverence than she’d meant, Maple leaned forward and tucked her arms beneath the wobbling swell of her stomach. She pulled it against herself before letting it go, watching the way the flabby mound of blubber jiggled and rippled as it settled.

It had been seven months since, true to his word, the good doctor René had done what he could to reverse the state of Maple’s body. He’d explained that her tissue had become infused with several strange compounds, a product of the amount of work the nanites had had to do to keep up with her increasing body mass.

- - -

“You’ll never be thin,” The weasel had casually told a stark naked vixen as she woke up in an operation pod, squinting into the light. “Your current weight is recorded at a little over two hundred and forty pounds. My understanding is, without further investigation that I doubt you have the funds for, this is now your minimum weight. Your nanite infused body simply would not brook further slimming.”

After having been a multi-ton land whale, Maple was still more than grateful to be looking down at a body that could at least move under its own power. Granted she had once been slim and toned, but she had come to live with the jiggling and wobbling of a larger body.

“You will find an increased elasticity,” René continued from his observation platform, somewhere above. “Potentially you are now capable of eating multiple times your own body weight in food.” He sounded almost bored. “I advise you not to. You will have an incredibly difficult time burning off any weight gained. I have supplied your AI unit with a list of doctors that come close to being comparable with my skill in matters such as this, if you should suffer a… relapse, you are advised to contact one of those. Do you have any questions?”

Maple was still groggy from the operation, she felt as though her senses were flickering on, one at a time. Thankfully the operation had not required any expensive surgical equipment, she’d probably be back on her feet that afternoon.

“You’re telling me… I’m going to be stuck like this?” Her mouth felt dry, her tongue swollen and hard to move. Her sizable pot belly seemed to churn at the idea of being so big… forever.

“No. I’m telling you that you will be stuck at /least/ like this. If you aren’t careful, or make use of the collar I recovered in the wake of your… relocation, you will return to a weight status in the range of tons.”

Maple thought on this.

“Your collar has been returned, with the scraps of your duratex outfit, to your ship. Good day, Maple.”

- - -

It had been six months since she’d woken up from her operation. An operation that was entirely made necessary by the fact that prior to it she’d spent an entire month in Doctor Lalique’s laboratory doing nothing but sucking nutrient paste down a tube and surfing the local net. A month of pointedly ignoring the fact that she’d become somewhat famous in the local systems. Famous in only the way headlines such as: “Porter’s weight exceeds that of her own cargo” can make you. But even Maple had to admit that although it hadn’t been good for her self-confidence, the PEEP shows were a welcome source of income.

“Are you thinking of doing another one?” Syn interrupted her thoughts, giving her an excuse to turn away from her ballooned reflection and dig around for some clothes. These days she dressed less expensively, a jacket with lots of pockets, shirt and cargo shorts.

“Another what?” Maple asked, as though she didn’t already know the answer. She started off towards the cockpit to watch the stars trickle by. Plus it had the most comfortable seat in the ship.

“Another PEEP show, of course. I have a couple of benefactors lined up who would pay handsomely to see another demonstration of your new stomach elasticity in action. If you let them pick the method, they’ll pay in triple.”

Maple groaned. “Wasn’t last time bad enough?” She asked, recalling the scale of her stomach after the last time. She looked like she’d eaten a yoga ball and then inflated it and felt even more heavy. Without the help of her collar’s nanites, the binge had left her beached like a whale.

“I’ve told you before Maple, there’s no sense in denying it. I know as well as you do how much you enjoyed it.” Came Syn’s reply, causing a blush to spread across the vixen’s cheeks as she recalled how her orgasms had been enough to leave her a panting, exhausted mess even without the added weight of the ball of food in her gut.

“I’ll think about it…” She replied with the gut turning realisation of someone who was eventually going to stuff herself so full she wouldn’t be able to walk and just how hot that made her feel. “I couldn’t do it right now anyway, we’re on a job.”

Syn’s silence implied understanding, at least. Lowering herself into the squeaking cockpit chair, Maple looked out once more at the jeweled starscape of space. The Kit was gliding smoothly towards their latest mission, a salvage operation that Maple had a bad feeling about. Her ship wasn’t set up for salvaging, but these days clients who were willing to take her on were rare.

Besides, it’s just a quick job on the side, what’s the worst that could happen?

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Such a fantastic first Patreon story! You've really gotten me wanting to try at some world-building of my own. Can't wait for more things to come.


This was a lovely series. I can't wait to see what happens next. :D


Awwrf, I really hope you do get stuck into some writing, I'd love to see it! Or better yet, you can totally use my worlds as well <3