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When the pizza arrived Jenny was still seated at the dining room table. Her stomach, initially a chubby little bulge, had developed into a full blown pot belly, the kind one could mistake for being pregnant. She waved the delivery woman in, a middle aged looking collie whose tail wagged perhaps more than was appropriate at the sight of her getting up, and set back down to work when the pizza was beside her. There had to be some miscalculation in ingredients – she knew that much. She knew enough spellcraft to have felt the nature of the spell work more or less as she intended. The mechanics of it were of course simple enough, transcription from one medium to another. From one food, to another. But she was distracted from revising the exact ingredient amounts, the moment the first bite of pizza hit her mouth. It was like a slap to the face – the cheese, the pepperoni, the dough, all blended together to make a culinary delight the likes of which she'd never sampled before.

Of course, it was just pizza. Pizza from the same store she usually ordered from, and kind of cheap pizza at that. The pizza hadn't changed, the recipe hadn't changed, but something about the experience had changed so much that Jenny couldn't wait for another bite. She couldn't wait for bites at all. She pushed the remaining slice into her mouth, messily splattering sauce and cheese across her cheeks while instantly reaching for the next piece with her free hand. In the back of her mind the possum knew that what she was experiencing was strange, what she was tasting had to be a result of the failed concoction, but at the same time she didn't care. One greasy slice after another passed through her greedy lips, the witch completely oblivious to the immediate effect the food had on her already bloated looking stomach. Her gut began to billow out as though reacting to the added calories tenfold, pushing against the table and spreading her thighs open as her shirt began to truly lose ground beyond her deepening belly button. An empty box was pushed aside as a belch rose up Jenny's throat. She stained her notes with grease from one hand as she shuffled through them, with her other the possum called the pizza place back. Sure it might seem a little weird to get two orders in such close proximity but she couldn't stand the thought of not having another one of those pizzas. Maybe two.

And If it had been hard to think before, it was nearly impossible now. She squinted at her notes, the words seemed to slide across the surface of the paper. Or was that rivulets of cheese? All she could focus on was the taste of pizza in her mouth, and the anticipation of more. When the delivery girl arrived, she was once again waved in and made no attempt to cover the wide eyed look she gave Jenny's stomach. In ordinary circumstances, the possum would have been mortified. She would have covered herself up or been buried in books trying to reverse things. Today she quickly tipped the collie before plunging her face into the first of the pizza boxes. The delivery lady had a few moments to stare before she left the store front, watching the bloated stomach of the possum grow, inches adding onto her fluffy frame as it expanded in front of her eyes.

Time began to blur – Jenny's world was a collage of flavours and sensations. The cheese coating her tongue. The stretching of her stomach, fur brushing the underside of her table. Another sensation reached her, the creaking of wood moments before her chair gave up. After a loud CRASH and a THUMP Jenny found herself back down against the floor, gut wobbling atop her like a large mound of heavy jello. That was when she realised just how big she was, a revelation that shocked her somewhat sober. Pizza slice in hand, she was barely able to slowly push herself up form the ground, managing to use the table as support for her new weight. Her gut wobbled between her legs, colossal by any degree and far too big to pass off as pregnant as it pulled her back towards the ground. Her lower stomach had developed a fold so wide she doubted she could stretch her arms around it alone. The best she could do was paw pathetically at the upper section of her gut and wipe the cheese from her robes as she struggled to find a new sense of balance.

Things were definitely getting out of hand but she struggled to think of a course of action that didn't involve cramming the slice of pizza she still held, into her mouth. That would have to do for now. Savouring the taste of it, Jenny stood over the table, gut resting on its surface and looked once more at her notes. She had to make something out of all of this, and soon.




What a tum 👀 Great work ^^


I'm absolutely living this series so far. She's just too cute!


AAAA goodness thank you so much! It means a lot to hear I've been in a rough place mentally and the art has been hard, thank you ;u;

Robert Paulson (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-07 13:41:37 Always luv it when magic takes a wrong turn. Makes for some adorable mishaps like this~ Amazing <3
2021-05-28 17:26:24 Always luv it when magic takes a wrong turn. Makes for some adorable mishaps like this~ Amazing <3

Always luv it when magic takes a wrong turn. Makes for some adorable mishaps like this~ Amazing <3