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The Vice Regent Amourres finds a moment of peace and quiet in which to reflect on the nature of her journey, and those she as kept around her.

Written by the wonderful Rabidbadger writing, illustrated by me!  


Garth - Nackvixen 

Veronicas - Veronacus 

Temperance - Paris  

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Amourres was, when she had to be, a patient woman. This was not to say her patience was infinite, and there were definite strains on it at the moment. Getting measurably closer to her goal had helped, the meeting had been a boon to all that, but then there’d been the aftermath. Two rooms over she had left behind Veronica in what she hoped was the best solution they had in the meantime, but the problem remained present. Worrying. Ill-timed.

“Just… had to go and get saucy and rebellious on the last lap.”

Grunting, the ebon bird eased her shoes off and made for her bed. There were a few things out of place, but she knew why now. Veronica had been in here, and not found anything. Easy to arrange when there was nothing to find. Her paperwork was legal, or as close to it as it got, and apart from that all she’d needed were supplies and a ship. And time, which it seemed to the Vice Regent might be the one thing her journey was running low on. 

The bird glanced at the door, imagining the walk from her quarters to the ones occupied by her ‘indentured servants’. Normally they lasted longer than this. 

“Am I getting more out of hand, I wonder? Or… no, Garth was going to do that to himself no matter what. Adorable little flesh sofa was always in his future. Veronica… that has to be from the fruit.”

Sighing, Amourres leaned back on her bed and did what she could to relax. Which wasn’t much. Four seconds passed there, each of which the Vice Regent counted, before she sat back up and reached for the tablet on the nightstand. The data she had acquired seemed good, reliable – and worrisome to say the least. There was, apparently, a derelict space station off the major trade routes in what one might call the ass of nowhere. Something that had been meant for deep space observation and then just lost funding and was recently bought by someone and then had a huge influx of resource before going dark again.

It had taken no small number of greased palms for Amourres to learn that there were possible ties to Sherwood Fleet’s origins on that heap of metal in space. This was going to work, though. The Vice Regent could feel it as she pulled up the stellar cartography data they had just acquired.

“Just… wait for me. An actual, honest to Chrome prince. Not these megacorp shells calling themselves royalty and never changing anything.”

Exhaling, running her fingertips over the images, the Vice Regent savored her dream a moment before making herself curl back to reality. 

“Of course, now I’m down to one mobile lardslave. If the ship has to go too far off Garth might end up out of range, and… ugh, I hate having to ration myself.”

Tossing the tablet aside, Amourres flopped onto her back again. This time knotted up in frustration, impatience, anticipation, some heady mixture of the three.

“If I didn’t need one of them able to walk at least I would eat that little ingrate into a life as a piece of furniture and sell her tonight.

Shutting her eyes, the Vice Regent rubbed at her beak idly and forced herself to calm down a little. Veronica couldn’t have known after all and had no notion of the stress she was under. Surely, if she did, the woman wouldn’t be so hell bent on resisting things. Would be glad she had a part in this, even. It would be historic, after all.

“Just a little further and I get my fairy tale. I get someone who actually wants to break things and will see me instead of my useless title.”

Scowling a little, the bird rolled off her bed yet again and rose up. Heading toward the door to her quarters, she put a hand to her stomach and felt it twist and rumble. 

“To hell with it. I’m going to indulge myself a bit, can’t go into this wound up. If I need to glue a cargo loading pad to Veronica’s ass before we leave so be it.” 

Storming through the halls, the Vice Regent made her way to the cargo hold with their supplies for the trip. It had dwindled significantly over the time they’d been out, but there was plenty left yet to work with. Sitting on one crate and unsealing the one next to it, the Vice Regent reached into a many layered stack of freshness sealed pastries, she stuffed one into her beak greedily – then another – then another. Only stopping to let out an airy belch and catch her breath, and vent one last bit of frustration before she returned to her gluttony. The familiar tingle of each little bit of future blubber leaving her and entering her pets’ bodies instead greeted her repeatedly, leaving the Vice-Regent momentarily annoyed. She missed feeling full.

“I’m a fucking Princess! Not the second stringer to someone who’s only in charge of that stupid colony until someone else’s brat turns eighteen. They’ll all see when I come back with that fleet behind me.”



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