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Hey y'all figured it was time to write up another update! 

It took us longer than expected to pack/move our belongings from the old house to the new house, I honestly thought we would have been done two weeks ago but sometimes that's just how things are. I'm powering through the last little bits now, and I expect to be set up and living in the new place in the next few days, perhaps in the next week depending on circumstances.

We're booking movers, the internet will be set up and good to go! 

I must apologize once again for the lack of content during this period of transition. Spending all day packing, moving and cleaning, I spend most of my free time sleeping off exhaustion (I'm not a stronk mouse -u-). I'm gonna try and get the September Maple Sketches up soon! Mostly, just looking forward to everything being done. 

Hope you're all going well! <3 


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